Are you serious? I need to be profusely thanking you for all the joy and beauty you bring to this challenge. You always hit the mark and frankly, I am tickled pink that you haven't ditched us.
This was especially amazing as I have never in my life seen such abundance. You have shown me a country of extremes. Poverty to opulence, all in one afternoon. Where can you get that?
A big thank you for always being so giving.
Really kid you not i can't wait to go back and explore more and honestly i have thought of giving it away but i have got in the habit of snapping shots everywhere i go and i wouldn't have anyone to share them with if i ditched out :)
I swear if you ever got here you probably wouldn't leave.
I'm afraid to go just because of that! No, seriously!!
Oh, you cannot quit. You are my best commenter! I would have to hunt you down and make you comment! ;)
Cmmmmmooonnnnn.....seriously i am waiting !!