I hope you wait until I get home to go unicorn hunting. I have not been hunting... Well ever. But I think I would like to make my first time something amazing.
This is such a fun way to present Market Friday. Thank you for your participation and for helping make this such a fun challenge.
I always knew there was a reason I should have gone with Nikon. I'm pretty sure Canon would laugh in my face. Thank you again and I can hardly wait for next week to come so I can continue in this adventure.
Upped and steemed. Tip!
You understand I only hunt with a camera, right? I hope my special delivery shipment from Nikon made that clear :) Re Canon & special orders... I don't know, wave $50,000,000 Fictional USD at them and see! Nikon is used to making special orders for me. You should see the binocular version of the Hubble space telescope they made for me. Again, a bit too large to be practical, but nice clarity!
Thank you Denise, enjoy the rest of your vacation!
Totally understood! Thanks and I will try the $$ wave and see how it works! :)
Thanks! See you next weekend!