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RE: Market Friday goes House Hunting!!

in #marketfriday6 years ago

Haha! I read a post by someone who mentioned spending all of the last STEEMFest outside smoking even though he had paid the max price! I might be sitting on the curb crying.

I will be there for sure since the dates coincide with my next time I need to leave Malaysia with my visa and Bangkok being the cheapest place to go anyway. The hostel I booked is about $30 usd for a week and costs about 15 cents to get to the venue on one quick bus.

My mom kept an immaculate house and it did not rub off on me one bit. I would rather move than clean :)


Oh my God! You are hysterical. You would rather move than clean. I have to say that's probably the funniest thing I've heard today. I'm excited that you get to go to the steam Fest and perhaps just a tad jealous. All the people you'll get to see! That's pretty awesome. Well I am very glad for you and I am so happy that things coincided that way and that you actually get a relatively cheap hostel. I know I know hear from you before you go but just know that I'll be thinking about you!

TY, @dswigle. I'm glad to make you laugh. My mom did not think this was so funny, lol. I have "nomad" on my profile for many reasons, and cleaning is on that list.