Oh wow! Nine?!? That's quite a number! You really need room for them. You need not think of some other place for reunions! Awesome!
Pines are green all year round? That's wonderful! Winter, with everything in black and white, can be gloomy at times (it's just my opinion as I haven't seen snow yet). But green to me is full of life. So, I'm happy for you.
You deserve this spoilt life, Denise. You worked for it. Sorry for my choice of words. It's just that I haven't seen a house as huge as this, I thought it's only in movies. Hahaha! 😂 Anyway, don't mind me. I'm really, really happy for you for this timely opportunity! 😍
I take no offence to your words. You didnt say anything wrong! I think the same things! 💖 No filter needed!
Thanks for understanding, my dear Denise. Sleeptight. It's getting late. 😴😴
I work tonight! :) it is not even 11! Goodnight, Ging!!
Hahaha! Nocturnal mode on. Hahaha! 😁 Enjoy working.