There is something about the Indian dancing and there culture that i have always loved the beat of there drums and the colors of there costumes is just phenomenal i would have loved to seen more photos but maybe next time but i did enjoy reading about there ways of life.
MarketFriday - TheWes Flower Market Bangkok !!
Oh, You have made my day for sure!!! You know I am out of town this week and never finished my MF Post, and with no internet, I am furiously running through them and posting at the library as I write this!
You know I adore you and sorry I am so bad, not giving you what you deserve!
#MarketFriday still loves you!!!
!tip .20
Hey we have always said bring happiness to yourself first no need for apologies you do more then enough for all of us so enjoy your vacation on Pony Island and bring another Henry home we will still be here for you :)
OMG!!! One man is all I can take! LOL
Lol...and that is the right way one is enough :)