Just like that? Text between [] and link between () with no space? Just like that? Please confirm! I've never known how to do it!
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Just like that? Text between [] and link between () with no space? Just like that? Please confirm! I've never known how to do it!
Try it if you don't believe me.
Of course I believe you... I don't believe in me! Lol, I'm so dumb on Steemit after all this time!
tengo una plantilla si quieres guardada
si la quieres te la paso por el correo, esta en castellano pero creo que no tendrás problemas. este es mi correo @nolasco
[email protected]
Si, por favor, mi querida. El mio es [email protected]
Gracias :))))!
ya lo mande
Ya lo he visto y ya te he respondido... ahora a estudiarlo! Gracias de mi corazon, querida!
Don't call yourself dumb, just try it.
I did it, I did it! I DID IT, YUPPEEEEE! Finally! Aw, I'm so excited, my sweet and lovely friends @erika and @txatxy! Yeah, yeah, yeah! You're the best! (almost one year to get it, lol!)
Next time if you don't know something, just ask! 😊😉
Ask and you shall receive, right? 😁
Right! Will do that! Thanks, sweetie! <3 <3 <3
My pleasure!
It's true!! It is that simple! I couldn't believeit!
Love you all, girls!Why I feel so dumb? lol lol one year and now I've learned... Thanks my dear Denise! Now I have to study the other features that the Best Ever @txatxty sent me by email!
When you are 53 yo you can say you are dumb, knowing that, although one life isn´t enough to know everything, you ALREADY know a lot, lol!
Big xoxo my sweet Erika!
Agree to disagree my lovely friend! There are much older people here doing great with everything new (gadgets, apps etc.) You just have to try and never give up! XOXO 😘
That's what I´ve done always, sweetie! When I started working, there were no computers and I wrote by hand my legal opinions that were after typewritten by a pool of secretaries.
When computers were introduced, I was the first to be eager to learn and use them!
And since then up to now, I'm always eager to learn! I'm here, it's already a sign!
And when I have time..... no one will stop me!
Give up is a word that doesn't exist on my vocabulary... and always taught my kids that "I can't do it" is a forbidden word on their vocabulary too. The right word is "I will try!"
Thanks for being a sweet soul!
That's what I wanted to hear! It's a great philosophy! Have a nice weekend! XOXO