Seriously! Dude!!! You deserved them and more. How could you treat me that way?
Dramatically throws herself on the couch
OH, YEAH!!!!
Urban Dictionary: Diva source
a polite way of calling a self-absorbed narcissistic woman a bitch ... adj. pronounced (DEE-VAH)- describe a person who exudes great style and ... that she is so much more loved than what she really is. selfish, spoiled, and overly dramatic.
And to think all this time, I thought it was meant to be nice... How naive can one be??
Seriously! Dude!!! You deserved them and more. How could you treat me that way?
a polite way of calling a self-absorbed narcissistic woman a bitch ... adj. pronounced (DEE-VAH)- describe a person who exudes great style and ... that she is so much more loved than what she really is. selfish, spoiled, and overly dramatic.
You know I would forget my head if it want attached. BUT I made it a special point to get that link up like a good boy LOL. :D.
That is so NOT what I mean. Here is according to Merrian Webster:
Synonyms for diva
goddess, princess, queen
See you are all the above and more ;D
I mean it as nice!!! How could I mean it as anything but?!?
We both work hard and we dont bot buy. A real team :D