That does sound cool with them all being 5 acres and locked that way so you have your own space, Its good your not on any rush so you can take your time ot make sure of everything before you make a decision :)
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You know, I only have time, so it is on my side at the moment! I actually don't like doing things like this in a rush, but, inch by inch.
Of course, if I had to put a light under it, I might be able to manage that. :)
Inch by inch is a far better way to go than to rush, in the past I have been more of a rush kind of guy, but when start6 looking I to will try to take it slow this time
When you have time, it is the only way to go. I want this piece to be a forever kind of home, so there is more thought that goes behind it. If I would sell it in the future, I am more after getting value out of it.
Ohh yes for sure thats our plan when we start looking for a place