Steemit Facebook Page Insights From the Guy Who is Managing it... 7/17/2016

in #marketing8 years ago (edited)

This must be a first...

A company that willingly brings you in the backstage of it's marketing to give you insights on how things are going. How refreshing! Almost 2 months ago @steemitblog announced that I was going to lead the Facebook marketing outreach for is an honor and a particularly exciting job the last 2 weeks!

Read the Announcement Here

From now on, I will do my best to bring you a Facebook report every week to detail the progress of our outreach on Facebook every Sunday. (unless I do not have access to a computer that day)

But Why?

Steemit is unique because the people who hold STEEMPOWER are "co-owners" in the platform. We all benefit from the success of our marketing outreach. By giving insights, I believe we can all feel more confident in the value of our investment. Finally, it also keeps me accountable for RESULTS.

Let's get into the meat and potatoes...

Part 1 - Page Likes

Building our facebook fan count is very high on my list of priorities. My goal is to grow our page so that we compete with reddit fanpage in terms of engagement and size.


Now that our fan count is increasing and the engagement level is high in comparison to the size, I will start posting more than once a day. It's something I have to carefully balance. If the number of post increase but the engagement level decrease, it could be bad for the page. But if I can increase the amount of posting AND increase the engagement, we could see the amount of fans increase rapidly.

Part 2 - Sign-Ups Via the Page

To date we've had 252 people sign-up to via the sign-up button! That's great news. It means that some people saw an article about us, visited our page and cared enough to want to sign-up.

Part 3 - Metrics I focus on growing

I am keeping an eye of those metrics and this is what I am going to use to keep me accountable from week to week on for the facebook report. My goal is to always keep that data in the green for the community! :-)

Part 4 - The Bulk of my time on Facebook

You wouldn't believe the amount of Facebook messages I have been receiving this week. I calculate an average of 10-20 messages per day. I have to admit, it's getting a little tiresome sometime but this is business that must be taken care of. Lots of journalist and reporter coming forward asking for interviews. (The CoinTelegraph article of this morning came as a result of a facebook conversation)

More Insights?

More in-depth insights in terms of demographics & psychographic of our fans will be available once we reach the 1000 fans. This information should be available to you on the next Facebook Report.


Managing this page takes a lot of my time (especially all the customer support request and the messaging back and forth). Your upvote on this article is very much appreciated and will keep me motivated to bring the Steemit marketing on facebook to the next level.

But Most of All...

Click Here to Like Our Page

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No one will probably care but I was talking about steemit on my instagram account ( before @steemit there was even created or the price spiked.

I can understand that you must feel like no one gives two shits about the time and effort you put into the fb page too some times.

You go for it. I do it and love it...I'm a facebook ad geek, so I would probably do it even if I don't make money out of it.

I'm glad people like you exist! Brings my hopes even higher that this platform will be so successful in the future! If yo have any extra time, I had another idea that I could spend my time on to promote steemit, hope you don't mind I link it here - don't want to steal your thunder, but hope you have a second to give me some feedback on the idea:

I know how you feel, i've been trying to post about up and coming movie trailers i feel that are going to be great. which i get max 2 likes for.

It's annoying but ill keep doing it when i have time.

Pleas check out this post I made about a steemit Bug the dev's should see this post so they can fix it.

Not as much love for instagrammers as facebook apparently. :(

I love Facebook ads too. Got lots of experience with them. Hit me up in the slack channel if you're ever down to mastermind or strategize. I am definitely looking forward to running traffic to Steemit posts.

Why I can post my own post? What do I have to do?

Agreed it's a tough nut to crack. Being the original Facebook hater, I would have run away from this task like the plague.

@crypoctopus you are a good man! Fighting the good fight in the trenches of social media. Your work is getting noticed and you're being rewarded as such. Please keep up the good work and show the Facebook crowd where it's really at :)

@getssidetracked it would probably serve you well to have a better outlook on things than "No one will probably give a shit but..." -- with that said, thank you for bringing it to my attention as I am always looking for new people with insight to follow.

Sorry, I admit I wasn't in the best wake up mood when I wrote it, I edited it to a more civil word. Thanks.

dude same here, on my facebook.

Only time can tell. Steem already became the top 3 cryptocurrency this week . Time will prevail and result will show.

I've been sharin Steemit all over the place.

I've been putting it on Instagram too, and going through Hashtag searches on Twitter and sending it to people.

Good job sir! Steemit community should give reward to self motivated front marketers.

Pleas check out this post I made about a steemit Bug the dev's should see this post so they can fix it.

How I can post my own post? I write but the post button is not activated

make sure you have a title and valid tags

Thanks, the tags were the problem .... i was using numbers in tags

Everything is still in its early stages that's why you just need to keep refining your technique and what you want to offer.

outstanding job @cryptoctopus You must be proud of how the people react and I guess that at the end of the day, it doesn't matter how tired you are if you know that all facebook messages are answered and all issues sorted. Not to mention about the metrics. Here's my thank you and my thumb up: a small gesture to show you my respect and an acknowledge of the fact that you rock. So, here's your ticket that will grant you a strato flight with my project. You Rock Renaud.

Amazing! Thanks!

The link on the image "like us on facebook" seems broken. for all of you lazy people :D

thanks! It's repaired. :-)

PS you should likely update your facebook branding assets: is the official area for keeping your branding up to date for use :-)

I have spent on advertising in facebook 100 bucks, would at least someone encouraged me. (((I believe that together, we can bring the project to another level!

Each will start with their surroundings, friends, or language, and will in a few years will be our STEEMIT millionaires club

Even though I hate and have never used Facebook, I applaud you for what you are doing.

Let's get people off that sucker platform and onto here!

The people are the sucker platform no?

Glad we've got someone as commited as you on the "job". Im gathering stats for keywords we are getting traffic from, google mostly but also other search engines (we are up 100% from last month and data is still lagging).

In this day and age, it is interesting what original content would do or how far it would take you.
Multiple messages per hour/day could be really tiresome, especially when you have to reply to each and everyone of them in a formal manner.

Facebook? After i found steemit i barely use it anymore. Great work cryptopus. People like you are the heros of this site!

Awesome nice job!!!!!!!

I rather enjoyed this read. I for one have facebook and will be liking you on facebook. I know it may not seem like it all the time but for every little bit of effort in which you put into this is and will come back to you and everyone in involved ten fold. And every little step forward the end result becomes reality. Thank you for sharing

The Rise of #SteemIt!!! Let's hope the data stays green for as long as possible. ;) And, woah, look at that reward size, it's the biggest I've seen so far on a single post, I think.

Congrats on the post cryptoctopus

These are great stats I am sure everyone would love to see keep coming. Keep it up and thanks so much.

Awesome incentive by an experienced and successful Facebook marketer.

Finally!!! Thank you @cryptoctopus for doing something productive and using the strengths of STEEM's competition (enemies ?) against them in a manner that facilitates the right kind of growth for STEEM. We should not be so blind as to think we do not need such marketing strategies to grow if the community is going to reach its full potential.

I personally, work for facebook and would like to think I have a higher understanding and insight of where the company is trying to go. There is no reason facebook needs to be replaced by STEEM when the two could work hand in hand. Imagine utilizing facebook's social platform to then link to meaningful detailed posts here. Let facebook handle the emojies, live video and bs while we bridge the gap and give people an outlet for their voice beyond their friends.

Hi! I personally do not see Facebook as a competitor. The real competitors are blogging platforms such as medium, wordpress or bloggers...they should either join and integrate or face extinction.

Facebook would do well to integrate with steem before a competitor decide to do so.

I couldn't agree more. following you now

With 1.94 billion monthly active users reported to be on Facebook as of March 31, 2017 the main job now is to get the word out about Steemit! I'm encouraging our @seafarerz community to get on board!

Interesting insight - thanks for both the post and looking after FB promotion :)
Heres to continued massive user growth!

This is crazy. This post has only been up 6 Hours and it is already at $13,000. The Makeup video had around $6000 or $7000 at 8 Hours. This post still has 18 Hours to keep going up. Records are being set.

FB will be a very effective way to build the brand, go for it!

Let facebook burn!!

i piss on

i need some money please vote me

Whoa! This is great! Cheers @cryptoctopus for committing to the job of and putting the word out there on FB! This is a big project and FB will help in driving people in waves into Steemit as your engagement builds up. Targeted campaigns on Facebook may also prove to be useful. :)

Props for transparency. And for the hard work. Keep it up!

Steemit Reddit is in need to attention. It's a barren wasteland. Doesn't make Steemit look serious.

There isn't even basic CSS editing.

I have discussed this in more length here:

Would you like to take it on? Iam far from a reddit expert

Yes, I'd certainly be willing to take it on. If you're on the slack channel could you perhaps help me get an invite me so I can sign up?

Or you can PM me on Reddit ?

Hope to hear from you soon

Great Post. Here is steemit on twitter show some support anyway we can ;)

Congratulations, is a great post!

Do you like it?:

Hello everybody, the first Facebook group is now opened. Feel free to join.
A great way to promote your Steemit post, if you are on facebook. @cryptoctopus it will be a pleasure to let you in as an Admin if you are interested.

At some point, people will start having the above image on the back of their cars.

How do you choose content to post on Facebook?

Thanks for your work on Facebook @cryptoctopus . I liked the page before I saw this post today and have requested to be included in the Facebook/Steemit Group. I actually found Steemit from Facebook. I was introduced to it by @stellabelle and @soulsistashakti . :) Cheers! :)

Wow, great post, i believe we all can play a great role in building the steem community

I like the article...and the voluntary service never's fruit-age is always seen by it's generosity and kindness.

the answer is money, they rule the world as they rule steemit.

This is the future . And after half a year ? A year from now ? Steemit - future that has come :)

What do you think with the yobit

Please do not post your own post unless its really's bad etiquette and will hurt your reputation as an author.

Am greatful for the time and effort. Looking forward for your interesting posts. Thx

Your perspective is refreshing

What do you think? will bury facebook, instagram or reddit in the future? or is just another social network to be summed at the great ones?
i'm thinking...

facebook isn't a competitor. Wordpress, bloggers, medium, squidoo are. Unless someone uses steem to do a duplicate of Facebook.

Will this be the new marketing strategy to eventually compete with steemit? A last sign of desperation inorder to compete with the new "kid" on the block!!!

Let's be honest, there is no comparison with steemit; it's completely extraordinary!!

really high-quality communication I do like to thank steemit

@cryptoctopus I am sure everyone would love to see keep coming. Keep it up and thanks so much.

Great insights and thank you for the behind the scenes look. Very excited to see how this goes and grows.

I recently just joined steemit and i must say that i'm highly impresses. I want steemit to create a mobile app. That would be the way to go.

Hey cryptoctopus,
Have you looked into thunderclap?
Could be really good for promoting steemit.

will look it would be a great thing to do!

Way to go! I've been telling all of my friends about Steemit and so far their reaction has been #amazeballs

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