Marketing Trends for Small Businesses in 2017

in #marketing8 years ago

 It is  somewhat traditional to end off the year with a summary of emerging  trends and predictions for the new year, but we understand that as a  small business owner you probably want to spend the last few weeks of  each year focusing on marketing, sales and customer service over the  holiday season, not reading about what you should be doing in the new  year. And sure, you could bookmark it to read at a later stage, but in  all honesty, you know you’ll just forget about it hidden amongst all the  other forgotten bookmarks.So instead, we held off publishing our look at 2017 marketing trends for small businesses until  now, when you’re focused on the fresh start the new year promises. We  have selected five marketing practices all small businesses should  already be following, and then delve into evolving trends within those  practices. And while some similar reports have touched on virtual and  augmented reality, we haven’t; purely because although these could find  more common use in marketing, they’re not at a stage where they are  accessible to small businesses.

Mobile Payments

Consumers  are more comfortable than ever using mobile payment options. Make sure  your business is set up to accept mobile pay for your goods and  services. “Buy” buttons already exist on various platforms, including  Facebook, Twitter and YouTube. Imagine you’re in the market for a new  coffeemaker. You’ve done some online research and think you’ve landed on  a pretty great Cuisinart, but you’re not totally convinced.Later,  while scrolling Facebook … what do you notice? A Cuisinart ad directly  on your Facebook news feed! Not only is it an ad, it’s an ad showcasing  the very model you were just researching. Directly on that ad, there’s a  “Buy” button that will quickly and conveniently have you well on your  way to coffee heaven.Instead  of sending you to another site for payment, you’re able to purchase  directly from your news feed effortlessly. Because consumers don’t have  to go through multiple steps to make a purchase and the potential for  distractions or hesitation is decreased, sales increase. As awareness  goes up and retailers begin using these buttons more often, this tool  could really take flight in 2017.

Mobile Apps

A  recent Gallup poll indicates that 72 percent of Americans check their  phones at least once an hour. The overwhelming majority of that time, up  to 90 percent, is using apps. If your business doesn’t currently have a  mobile app, now is the time!Apps  increase engagement, provides your business with customer data and  increases the ways in which you are able to connect with your audience.  Mobile app development can be done inexpensively and stands to benefit  even the smallest companies by growing awareness of your brand.

Mobile-Only Social

We  all know how big social platforms are, but mobile-only social apps  continue to rise in popularity. Periscope, Snapchat, Instagram and  others should be part of your mobile marketing strategy. Make sure  you’re always monitoring your social channels (either live or via social  listening tools) and tailoring your message accordingly.Don’t  post the same content at the same time across all platforms. This leads  to message fatigue and is the quickest way to lose subscribers. Connect  with your followers by posting in-the-moment pictures and video that  reflects your brand philosophy, experiences and attitude.Marketing  trends will come and go, but to capitalize on growth, you must stay  current. Mobile will continue to expand in pervasiveness, so be sure  your business is well supported.

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