Yes, on everything.
I used to think that these folks are plotting behind the scenes, doing things to increase their ROI we would find wrong, but while some are, the general state of things is that they just dont care. Only when prompted to care, they do.
I mean, ive been told when questioning efficiency of the organization:
LB thats not how we do things here.
Which made my eyes widen.
The general approach many of them are taking is:
Leave me alone and ill leave you alone.
Very little questioning of action/inaction is happening. If it does, none of it will be shared onchain. Many of it related to ridiculous drama like curation sniping. Among other things thats why wer seeing curation changes in the upcoming HF. So the whales dont bicker over their piece of the pie.
And even with writing this post, in case any of them read it, they wont recognize themselves in it. Theyle think:
No, its the other guy hes talking about.
We seriously need to formalize responsibility on this chain. No "Hive foundations", no... a team of people paid for their work, kicked in the butt if they dont perform and replaced by others.
There are plenty people who would volunteer time and effort to help any efforts that are organized but for this to happen you would need a core team of 4-5 paid individuals, even some part time who would draw up a full marketing strategy.
Target developers.
Reach out to influencers.
Create documentation for new users.
Have a cross platform presence.
Have a presence at tech fairs, colleges, job markets in developing countries.
Cover customer relations and problem solving.
have a direct link to witnesses where users experience can be listened to and acted upon.
Co-ordinate development between projects so that tools can be open sourced for the next team to build with.
Create a team of experienced people. Put together a plan. Put that to the community for support. Get some action going that will help to grow the eco-system.
If Ignite provides results, hiring them for a longer stint is a possibility to cover non crypto contacts while the onchain team covers those in the crypto environment.
Options are there... We have a MC of 200 mil. Theres hundreds of people available to us for different work.
Voluntary "heres and theres" are beneath us.