This is my experience. Your experience might be different.
End Disclaimer
And welcome to my Journey on becoming the next Bill Gates in online sales. Well not really. But it would be cool anyway hey.
Just to kick off, I thought it would be nice to share my story here as I would have liked to be able to read a similar one. Yes there are 1000's of posts, YouTube Vids about making money online, Shopify website, being an affiliate etc. etc.
Well I can honesty say, that not one of these worked for me, I never made a single sale. And it is not like I did not put in the Time, Research, Facebook advertising and Money, Fuckin lots and lots of money.
I paid to get training from the "Guru's", yes some are good but how the hell am I suppose to do split testing run multiple Facebook add campaigns if I don't have money to do it in the first place.
It seems like it's something that the "Guru's" forget. Now that they have 1000's of $'s to use on testing. Starting out you might have $50 to a $100 which is not nearly enough to get those conversions you are looking for so badly, you will just get a Facebook like or comment maybe a website visit, but that's it.
Some of the "Gurus" spend up to $5000 on a single campaign just to break even. So bad news, You will probably not make enough to do it full time, trust me, I tried, and failed. But maybe it's just me.
Now I am not saying it will never work. Maybe you are that lucky one, that 1% that's actually lucky enough to hit a home run with your shop & niche. But as 95% of you probably resell stuff anyway, the uniqueness of that product "niche" goes out the windows pretty quick if 10 000 other people are selling the same item and bombarding Facebook with their adds.
As we all know you need traffic and all the "Guru's" also call's it traffic.. This to me is wrong..
The word is "Impressions", and a Fuckload of it. That and you need to seriously work on your "Tags", tag research to me is just important, if not more important that impressions. Tags are a lot like SEO, but in a product sense.
You need to fine tune this more than the 50 000 people you targeted as traffic on Facebook. That won't do shit. Don't believe me. Try it. Go to Facebook, setup you campaign, and drive 50 000 traffic to your advert or website, and come back to me with your ROI and conversion rate.
Now, I am no guru by any stretch of the imagination, neither do I make $150 000 in sales a month. But I do make sales, at least I can say that I do. And i do feel better about myself :)
So if you are like me and at least would like to make your first sale, then I will gladly continue sharing my journey here, with some proof of sales and ROI.
Thanks for Reading.
Nice read! Making those first sales is the hard part but keeping the sales consistent is even harder!
I'm making a video on what's your "Everyday Marketing Stack" the go to tools that help you keep your sales consistent?
To Name A Few Of Mine:
So What Are Yours?