Loving your work lately Jeff! It is awefully refreshing to listen to your info without the need for you to entirely mask it behind humour so you dont get censored. Hope its worth your time here! Even if your only making a few bucks a vid, its a shit tonne better than faggottube.
Great work Jeff. Another movie you didnt mention that works the same theme is "In Time"
Once they have turned all men into ladyboys this kind of tech can be rolled out with zero resistance. https://m.imdb.com/title/tt1637688/
This makes me think of the judge that had people be shocked when they did not answer the question the way he wanted https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/morning-mix/wp/2018/03/07/barbarism-texas-judge-ordered-electric-shocks-to-man-during-trial-conviction-thrown-out/?utm_term=.e47ff33e95bd
In the USA we have 3rd world justice system that does not give a shit about the Constitution.
Loving your work lately Jeff! It is awefully refreshing to listen to your info without the need for you to entirely mask it behind humour so you dont get censored. Hope its worth your time here! Even if your only making a few bucks a vid, its a shit tonne better than faggottube.
Markiplier gets faker every year
√√√√√ Is pinkman dead and gone? √√√√√