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RE: The case of Banx & C-CEX

in #marklyford9 years ago

nothing I say or do will be good enough for you, you have made that perfectly clear. If you have done your research as you say you have you will see all people were offered the new Banx on the new blockchain.

I have NEVER deceived potential investors EVER.

This is my final reply to you because I am clearly wasting my time.


"I have NEVER deceived potential investors EVER."
Mark you are either very think skinned or delusional. You manipulated the price of BANX from day one. Thus deceiving investors they were onto a winner! Their is noway I would have invested within your outfit if I had known the real truth behind BANX. Unfortunately no investor will ever know the real truth behind BANX to this day you maintain your innocence. After a quick search on Google it is clear to any outsider to see the real truth behind BANX.

I would strongly recommend any potential investor wishing to purchase any product from M. Lyford to do there homework first.

If you have done your research as you say you have you will see all people were offered the new Banx on the new blockchain.

Yes, I have done my research and I'll be doing even more. I have seen that you promised that shareholders can transfer their shares to the new system. But the real question is: did you actually do that?

You talk much but many times your words and actions are very different. You say one thing but do something else. That's why I'd like to see some evidence that backs your words.

I have NEVER deceived potential investors EVER.

Maybe you should read your chatlogs to refresh you memory. They prove without a doubt that your intention was price manipulation so that you could sell shares with higher price.

Entrepreneur Action has still not been officially launched and the countdown clock has been reset at least five times. Now Mark has moved onto yet another venture Steemit. I would strongly advise anybody not to invest a single penny into anything that Mark Lyford puts his name to.Mark did let investors convert Banx over onto Bitshares. This only occurred when Banx shares had become worthless. He then made a promise to convert all investors Banx shares into his new venture Entrapment/Entrepreneur Action.

yes you did Mark, you deceived everyone, how about doubling the original share issue from 6m to 12m?,( after claiming that the original share offer would never be increased, was that a lie or a 6m mistake?) you maintained the share price when it should have been halved, total misrepresentation of the value of the company, have you considered the tax issue of having doubled the claimed value of your company?, not content with this you then went 10 fold to 120m just like that with a click of your finger & a shot of Jack Daniels your claim was "my company is worth 120m", how did the value of you company legitimately go from 6m to 120m within a year with zero trade ever having been accomplished............and with zero accounts?
how do you do it?

Lyford just said this "This is my final reply to you because I am clearly wasting my time."

this is all you will need to read, he gets to this point when his answers are shown to be empty lies, he has no truth to give, no one believes him so he takes his bat & ball home & now he will sulk, the next claim will be that we all destroyed his business because we are bullies & trolls, the world wasn't ready for Mark Lyford,

Ha Ha Mark, perfect "This is my final reply to you because I am clearly wasting my time"

no one believes you so you sulk , I have learned that this is your go to statement when you know that no one believes the nonsense that's coming out of your mouth, for once just tell the truth, get it over with