I cannot state it as fact, but I seem to recall reading that this pope, himself, stated he will be the last pope.
Which other pope has ever stated that Jesus is a liar and just a normal person? Which other pope has stated that the muslims are equally true a religion? Which other pope has come from the Jesuits? The Jesuits were formed so as to protect the Church and it was a rule that no Jesuit can become a pope.
Whether he is the anti-Christ or not, he definitely is not the man for that position. He is supposed to lead by example, and yet he forgives priests who molest little boys?
Anybody who harms a child is evil and anyone who countenances such harm, is evil.
Ask your fatherl I'm certain he'll agree (all he has to do is imagine someone molesting you when you were his little boy - and he'll definitely agree that it is evil).
There is nothing else that I could add to this response as it is complete. Blessings brother.