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RE: Let's talk: Can our society be happy again?

in #marlians5 years ago

I have had this open to read since before it was selected (happily) as yesterday's upvote. @jayna you have said so much that's in my head at the moment: that there is such an overwhelming sense of negativity in the world and, I confess, at the moment, in South Africa, it's staggering. Like you, I watch what people post on the social media and it just adds to the negativity. I have gone so far as to unfriend people. And block them. I have to be on the social media and I like to stay in touch with the news. I did what you call the "turtle" (and I call the "ostrich" thing this weekend, and woke up to discover that the oil price had skyrocketed because....

I think we can be happy. It begins with the small things because, actually, as you say, it's a choice.

Thanks for this, and now I'm giving myself a bit of a talking-to!

Happy Tuesday!