PNS Kecamatan Langsa Lama Peduli RTH Civil Servants in Langsa Lama District Cares for Green Open Space

in #marlians5 years ago

PNS Kecamatan Langsa Lama peduli Ruang Terbuka Hijau (RTH) Kota Langsa , kepedulian itu di perlihatkan lewat gotong royong membersihkan kawasan taman . Hal ini disampaikan sekretaris camat Langsa Lama saat gotong royong di RTH Jalan Kebun Baru, Pondok Kelapa Kecamatan Langsa Baro, Minggu (01/03/2020)
Civil Servants of Langsa Lama Subdistrict care about Green Open Space (RTH) of Langsa City, the concern was shown through mutual cooperation in clearing garden areas. This was conveyed by the secretary of the Langsa Lama sub-district when mutual cooperation at RTH Jalan Kebun Baru, Pondok Kelapa, Langsa Baro District, Sunday (01/03/2020)
Gotong royong diawali dengan arahan dari wakil walikota dimulai pukul 8.00 s. d 8.15 wib dan selanjutnya peserta gorong royong beranjak ke lokasi masing- masing yang telah ditentukan hingga pukul 10.00 wib.
Mutual cooperation begins with the direction of the deputy mayor starting at 8.00 s. d 8.15 WIB and then the participants of the sewerage moved to their respective locations which were determined until 10:00 WIB.
Tampak 80% pegawai kecamatan langsa lama hadir secara bersama - sama yang dikoordinir langsung oleh camat langsa lama yang ikut didampingi sekretaris camat.
It appears that 80% of the old langsa subdistrict staff are present together, which is coordinated directly by the old langsa sub-district head who is accompanied by the sub-district secretary.
Camat Langsa Lama , H.Zakaria, SE menuturkan bahwa keikutsertaan tim kecamatan dalam kegiatan ini merupakan salah satu bentuk partisipasi dan kecintaan kami kepada Kota Langsa .
Head of Langsa Lama Sub-District, H. Zakaria, SE said that the participation of the sub-district team in this activity is a form of our participation and love for the City of Langsa.

Menurutnya gotong royong masal ini dilaksanakan dengan tujuan untuk membersihkan lingkungan di sekitar Ruang Terbuka Hijau dan dengan adanya kegiatan ini diharapkan keakraban dan kekompakan semakin terjalin sesama pegawai kecamatan Langsa Lama Khususnya dan Pemerintah Kota Langsa umumnya ujar zakaria.
According to him, this mass cooperation was carried out with the aim of cleaning up the environment around the Green Open Space and with this activity it was hoped that friendship and cohesiveness would be more intertwined among Langsa Lama sub-district officials, especially and the Langsa City Government generally said Zakaria.



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