Getting married, nothing that could be worse!

in #marriage9 years ago

Getting married is probably what most people do nowadays. Nothing could be worse! Most of my friends who are up to 30 are married, some even have kids and some are planning for kids. This is one of the worst decision someone could make in their life.

Commitment and time

Marriage is not as easy as counting up to 3 it takes a lot of commitment from both partners and a lot of time for them to have a very good marriage but thats all, apart from wasting most of your time with only one women for the rest of your life ( unless you divorce or cheat ). Its very hard for someone to switch from relationship status to married, it's like a whole new step in someone's life. 

Many of today's marriages end up having to divorce, and why tie up a nod like that with someone who you might not even share your entire life, you might think you've found the perfect women or man but in fact you have settled with Mr or Miss good enough being afraid of loosing the one person who you "love". Ending up in divorce is mostly due to loyalty, not getting along or sometimes the money is out.

No more privacy, sex gets bad, kids come 

After marriage you are like yeah ,lets start a family, the kids come and then the overrated "perfect couple" is being formed. Society today looks at people who are not married and say they are not good for anything, they won't find anyone, when in fact maybe that person simply just wants to have fun for the rest of their life, have his own privacy and not share his emotions or thoughts with someone else who might not understand the crazy he is. 

Then the sex stops being good, your in bed and get all cuddly but your wife/husband says "I can't, you've got work tomorrow/ I'm tired leave it for tomorrow" Then you get couple porn magazines. Them fantastic nights which you had before marriage have long ended, no more fantasies being made and you'll easily finish within 5-15 minutes. 

Time to split 

The time to split has come and you decide to get a divorce , it simply is not working out anymore and you want your young life back, not caring about the kid you have grown up, the time you have spent with that one women or man then a lot of time and money is being spent to just have the divorce ready so you two can legally separate. Moreover, you will have to give 50% Of what you own to the women. Then pay a tax each month to the women and if she decides to take the child you have to pay even more. 

Conclusion : Never get married unless you think you have found the perfect women! Not a damn whore, and who will be there with you forever!


#life #family #relationship #married


Oh, Andrei---you are much, much too young to be so cynical. Poor baby, I can only imagine the horrors you have been through.

But it's the same for us women, too, you know? We must kiss a lot of ugly frogs before we find our prince.

Someday your princess will come. And you will be happy, I promise.

That maybe true, I'm young but still I don't want to get married maybe by when im 30+.

I don't need my princess to come haha

Well, I think marriage could be a very bad idea when it is based on attraction, chemistry, vanity, superficiality. Not that any of those things are bad per say, but they will all fade. What will not fade are fundamental values, such as honesty, integrity, kindness, courage etc. Based on compatible values, I think marriages and the fruits of it can be amazing. I am certainly glad my parents weren't scared of making the commitment :)

Perfection is a myth. Marriage is a social construction. Just learn to love and be love. Love yourself. I aim to be a whole, complete person (which includes having plenty of imperfections, I assure you!) rather than being a half searching for another half. All best to you on your journey :)

I dunno, I got married at 21, had kids at a couple of years later, made it through a couple of really rough issues and sex gets better and better. Guess I even manage to buck the trend with marriage.

Sounds like you're speaking from a negative personal experience. I'm sorry about whatever has hurt you enough to start telling everyone else to avoid marriage, but your examples don't cover every instance.

Not that worst I guess! You become the most overrated but perfect couple after being married and that's where the life take a turn! Getting up early, pack lunch boxes and pick / drop your kid at school and all that grocery hahaha! I believe it is the most beautiful thing that could be in your life.
