Dear husband
At the age of 21, I met you. We were having drinks at a bar with a couple of friends, and you asked me if I wanted to dance. You were so tall and after a couple of rounds on the dancefloor, I was unable to keep up with your stick-figure dance moves. It was the most uncomfortable dance ever, but I thanked you anyways and headed to the table where we were sitting. You creeped me out with your stares and the countless small-talk conversations you tried having with me. I remember your white and blue button-up shirt and blue jeans all too well. Skinny you!
I told you that I had "ballroom dancing" lessons a few months back, and that I no longer had a partner. You immediately, without any hesitation (for a tall, stick-figure dancer) volunteered to go with me and be my new partner. I think I must have just nodded my head, thinking "whatever", but you definitely made sure to make that a reality, didn't you? After saying goodbye that night at the bar, I did not think I would hear from you again, because you did not ask for my number, and I definitely didn't ask for yours.
Three days later, I was doing my hair, getting ready to go out with friends, when I received a SMS from you. You reminded me that you were serious about your offer to join me at the ballroom classes. I knew that one of our friends had to give you my number, and I did not want to be rude, so I agreed to this ridiculous idea. I really did not think that you were serious that other night!
The classes turned out okay-ish and we seemed to be getting along quite well. You took me out on Valentines day with your strange, big, blue, noisy pick-up truck, bought me a VERY expensive teddy and asked me to be your girlfriend. I had already fallen for you by then, you kind of grew on me and I'm sure cupid was your helper ;)
Six months later, @giantbear invited me to her house one afternoon. I only expected coffee and a chit-chat, but you all ambushed me, didn't you? The next thing I knew, was that people came out of hiding and you were on your one knee with a ring. You asked me if I would make you the happiest man on earth and marry you, and I said YES.
After 9 months of wedding planning, we finally got married! June 27th, 2009.
(See how tall he is!)
We now have 3 children, we live on another continent and we have so much more to enjoy together!
Thank you for the good husband & father that you are, @ghostgtr . If I had to choose all over again, I would choose YOU repeatedly!
You still owe me a proper honeymoon, you know!
Thank you for this nice surprise, my love!

I love you...this is still only the beginning of our love story...the best is yet to come!
@ghostgtr and @bdmomuae what a mission to get you you remember?
Oh I remember!!! Phew!
I really love your story and my daughter @giantbear has this ability to do good for so many people thank you my first born baby love you very much.
She does! Can't argue with that.
Thank you @bigbear ;)
Beautiful story, Belinda
Thank you
You're welcome.
beautiful story. :)
Thank you @jennay
HEY, we're not tall, the rest of you short people JUST NEED TO GROW UP!!!
I tell my 5' wife that all the time, but does she listen to me?
This is an amazing story @bdmomuae. Congratulations.
Thank you
Congratulations guys :)
Thank you
Oh man, I've never seen you that thin and skinny , good luck for both of you...