Why do people get married? There's literally no reason to do it. If you're going to say that you need to get married to have a family...NOPE! You can be unmarried and still love someone and still have a family with that person.
I know under some circumstances you need to be married to someone to have the right to visit your significant other, but that's dumb. Chanting to an imaginary wizard in the sky doesn't bring a couple closer together. Words typed and signatures written on a piece of paper doesn't bring a couple closer together.
What brings a couple closer together? Genuinely loving that person. How do you define love? It's a chemical reaction in the brain that makes you feel attached to someone. Being committed to someone is exactly what those words mean. You love them enough to want to support them through thick and thin and the rough with the smooth.
Wanna know something? For a large portion of my life I never really felt attracted to anyone. The girlfriend I have now was under the impression that she was 100% lesbian. She went through a breakup a few years ago now and while we were talking she hugged me and we both felt weird. She was freaking out because she felt attracted to a man (me) and I was freaking out because I found out that I actually have a sex drive.