Dating is the initial stage of a relationship, and the reason why we date is to know the type of person we are bringing into our life. Please, don't allow too much stupid emotions and blind love prevent you from chosing the right partner
Many couples are divorced before their wedding day, because some of the thing that lead to divorce don't happen overnight, it's always been there before the wedding.
But we overlook a lot of obstacles because we are blindly in love. The magic is never in getting married but in staying married.
NOTE: Never marry to fix a big problem, fix it before you get married.
Do not be fooled or believe that a wedding will automatically change a person's character, the only thing a wedding will change is your relationship statues.
If you have to fight or beg for attention before the marriage, don't expect an overnight affection after the marriage. It easier to feed a poisonous snake than change a person who's never ready to change.
Avoid putting a temporary person in a permanent position of your life. Be honest with yourself, never let age, blind love, family or social pressure force you into a miserable life.
Of cause many people can pretend to be what they are not, but there is a limit to how much a person can pretend if only you will keep your emotions aside and pay close attention, you will see clearly the handwriting on the wall.
It's not how much you spend on a wedding that matters, it's how long and how happy you stay in the marriage.
Always remember that no one is perfect, and no one will ever be! Don't go into any relationship expecting a perfect partner.
I know you will say, it's all about being prayerful. Well, It's good to be prayerful, but don't use prayers where common sense is required.
If he keeps acting aggressive during relationship he may end up beating you after marriage. Don't say I didn't tell you. Use your head.
For instance: Couples have dated for 10years got married and divorced 1yr later.
Couples date for 6months and are still happily married.
Strangers have met, didn't sleep together till marriage, got married, and now divorced.
Strangers have met, fucked on the 1st date and are now celebrating 15years marriage and still strong.
Couples have met in Church, got married and divorced.
Couples have met in a club, got married and are 10years strong.
There's no formula in this thing, just use your common sense, that might be your only manual.
Before embarking on your journey of searching for a soul mate, make sure you have already found yourself. Because it's really hard to know what you want if you don't know who you are. Don't let his money or wealth confuse you! Have a taste and go for it.
Be very careful who you choose as a spouse, your happiness and sadness depends on it.
When the foundation is poor collapse is inevitable... Oops!...