Problems would always arise as you and your mates,start life together.This may be as a result of differences in how each feels,thinks and approaches life.Problems may equally arise from unexpected events,or outside sources.
-DISCUSS THE PROBLEM:There is a time to speak.Make out time to talk and discuss the problem. Honestly and let your mate understand how you feel and your thought about the problem. Don't bend issues but always be truthful with your mate.Strong emotions may sometimes arise,but resist the urge to fight.Learn how to answer calmly. And keep what should be a simple discussion, from generating into a battle.
They might be some disagreements but do not forget to show love and respect for your mate.bridge the communication gap.Try hard to settle the problem as soon as possible.If it is your turn to listen,resit the urge to interrupt. Your time will come to speak.
-HAVE A LISTENING EAR:How you listen is very important. Always try to understand your mate's view points.Put aside what ever you are doing,and give your mate an undivided attention. Never pretend to be listening when in actual sense your are not.Look and think of your marriage mate as a team mate rather than an opponent.this will make you not to easily and quickly pick offenses.
-LEARN TO FOLLOW THROUGH: Coming to an agreement on a good solution is not enough. You need to follow through on what you both decide.Although it may involve hard work and effort, but it will worth it at the end.Working together as a team, would yield fruitful result and it will strengthen the love and unity of both.
In working together, you be rest assured of strong and happy marriage, rather than miserable and weak.Progress into the future and never bring up past problems.