50 Shades of Mom - The Wife

in #marriage7 years ago

When you’re a kid you don’t understand the full implications of marrying someone and building a life together. Unfortunately, fairy tales are bullshit! Wouldn’t it be nice if “Happily Ever After” was a tangible reality?? But it’s just not that simple! Marriage takes a lot of work! I could write this post like my marriage is perfect and we have it all figured out but the truth is that it’s not and we don’t. Marriage is messy and cruel. There is a silver lining!!! Nothing in this life that is worth anything comes easy. Marriage is no exception! Every day we wake up and choose to forget arguments, we choose to see the good and not focus on the bad. We choose to keep going no matter what. The outcome of hard work is very rewarding!!!!

Source unknown

Now that I have thrown some reality at ya, let me tell you about me and my husband @xtrodinarypilot. If you read my previous post Saying Grace IS NOT ALLOWED in Our House you would know I touched on how we met. Ryan and I went to high school together. We never dated but we did go on a date to the movies, which I do not remember. (I smoked a ton of ganga back in those days) I did write him a letter and tell him I liked him because I’m romantic like that. It was just not our time back then. When I was 26 we ran into each other at a Kroger and I told him where I worked. He stalked me and that’s where it all began. Him and @despool would come visit me at work and I couldn’t help but fall in love with them both!!!! Can you blame me??? I mean LOOK AT THEM!!!

We have been married for one year as of July 8, 2017, but together for 8. We have had our share of struggles but I can honestly say being a family is worth all the disagreements and hard times! Not every day is good but there is some good in every day. And some days are perfect, I like those days best! I don’t know how to articulate how amazing my life is with @xtrodinarypilot because it’s not a feeling easily described. We encourage each other when we need it. We support each other in being the best humans, partners and parents we can be. We work on our relationship and sometimes it’s tough but we push through it. Truth is that if it were never bad we wouldn’t appreciate when it is good.

How do you know when you have found a good life partner? When you can imagine raising a family with them and actually look forward to the life you will have with them once your children grow up. I can say that this is true for us! Our sense of adventure and spontaneity is the same. We love to travel and be outdoors and once our kids are gone we will be a pair of old hippies traveling the world together in an old westfalia! I can’t wait!!!!

Today I can say that it’s good. It’s amazing, actually. Pretty damn close to perfect. I can’t imagine my life without him. I love being his wife!!!! I love the way he takes care of our family, which allows me to stay home and make cakes at my leisure. He is the absolute best father any woman could ever dream of for their kids and that makes me fall in love with him over and over again! He has style that turns me on more than my wild days in my early 20s! He’s the most intelligent person I have ever met. We are aligned in politics and religion. Cooking together and entertaining in our home is something we both enjoy greatly.

So, for my final word on being a wife.... Live life with your whole heart and that especially includes marriage! The key to enjoying being a wife is to learn to enjoy your husband! Also, do not let it be the only thing that defines you.
I am a wife but I am also an artist, a baker, a mom, baker, hippie and loverofthegoodinpeople. SO STAY TUNED TO GET TO KNOW THE OTHER SIDES OF @xtdnrymompreneur!

This is a video of as many photos of us I could find in one sitting.

50 Shades of Mom

  • The Artist Part 1

  • The Artist Part 2
  • All pictures are original photos of me and by me.

    It takes a Village




    Once again, great content! I agree marriage is hard work, not just a civil document that magically creates happiness. It is more like a work out where you can either go hard or go home. It hurts sometimes. If both parties put in work, the discipline, forgiveness, commitment and love will pay off in ways you could not have imagined.

    Absolutely!! It's the hardest most rewarding thing I have ever done!

    I promised I wasn't going to cry but...