Helicopter going to Mars!

in #mars7 years ago (edited)


US Agency for Space Research (NASA) said they were going to send a helicopter to Mars for the first time. The helicopter will be sent there to see if any vehicle is able to fly there.

NASA has said that the helicopter will be a member of their 'Mars Rover'. It has been named 'Mars Helicopter'. Weighing one kg of 800 grams A group of NASA scientists have been working in the four-year laboratory. NASA plans to send it to Mars in 2020.


According to the BBC, the helicopter could fly to Mars, as it was designed. Because, the concentration of Mars is one-third of the world's density.

NASA says the helicopter is heavier than 'Air Aircraft'. Because, 'air aircraft' is usually referred to as balloon and 'aerostat'. Two balloons were sent before Venus's atmosphere, but no one like helicopter has been sent to Bhanappa till date.


NASA has two fans in the helicopter. These are able to rotate three thousand times in a minute. There are helicopters on Earth that can fly around 300 times in minutes.

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NASA administrator Jim Bridenstein said, "The mission of sending helicopters to Vinnes is very exciting. This campaign will play an important role in our research on Mars.


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very interesting post, thanks for posting

thanks for comment brother

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