Ah yes Silat Serah (or Serak?) I think it is similar with what de Thouars do (pls correct me if I am wrong). I have heard of Mahaguru Plinck but never got the chance to meet him. It will be a privilege to get to know him!
Yes all traditional Silat masters still retain their mobility and agility despite their age. I think the only time we can defeat them is when they passed away :D
My Silat is more focused on using legs 60% of the time and attacking the opponents balance and their legs, this due to the environment where the art came from (Bukittinggi West Sumatra) that is hilly, and has lots of paddy field. Our footwork is defensive (using square footwork) and our strike´s target are only to the softest area of the body and their nervous system so it will work even if the opponent is a big guy.
Ah Portland! It reminded me of a US TV series The Grimm hehehe, maybe one day I would have the chance to visit it.
It is good that you focus and expanding your understanding on one juru because it become part of you! Just like what Bruce Lee said: I fear not the man who has practiced 10,000 kicks once, but I fear the man who has practiced one kick 10,000 times!!
I also keep my daily training back to basic which are conditioning, footwork and breathing
I am glad to get to know someone who is passionate in Silat and crypto!! I thought I am the only one hehe
Actually I have some friends that were on that TV show.
And my teacher has students from Italy as well as Denmark I do believe.
And you are very correct about the lineage. My teacher began in Silat as a child and was taught by his grandparents.
It is very rare that I actually find a real silat player. The last guy I met who knew what silat was only trained with videos from YouTube
Oh really? I really like that TV Show, too bad it ended
Do you know who are your teacher´s student names? perhaps i would recognize the name
I met some of the people you mentioned, online warriors and it is their right to do it but that is not my way. I am the other way around, I am not skill enough to put my silat into Videos in Youtube even though for promotions sometime it is good to have a nice video of your style...
I eat some kinds do record myself doing form just to see what I look like. But unless I am in class making a point, I very rarely show my art.
And as for the students in Europe, I remember being really tired from working out hard. He was very interesting and had a very unique approach. I do remember that he was extremely polite.