I talk about fixing trouble with the chamber or re-chamber of your kicks, and my thoughts on beginner training frequency in martial arts.
Problems with the kick chamber aren't uncommon, and there are a number of ways to fix your kicks, depending on your problem. It's hard to say exactly what will fix your problem without seeing you kick, but I have some good tips that have worked for people over the years.
I answer a viewer question on training frequency for beginners too.
The benefits of training regularly for beginners is usually only reached if you are training enough! Beginners who train more than once per week will typically make the best progress. twice a week compared to once is usually worth more than double the benefits.
Wow you are a very busy gentleman. You train. You coach. You have a YouTube channel. Where do you find the time for all these different activities?
I also run a dog walking business and write books! :) I would like to thank coffee haha!
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