Originally published at Liberty Machine News
Racial minority groups and the organized cabal of crypto-neo-Marxist agitators known as the Canadian mainstream media, are on the rampage against what little property rights we have left in this country. On August 9th 2016 Colten Boushie, a native, along with 4 friends drove to a farm in Saskatchewan and tried to steal an ATV (quad for the city folks) while drunk and ended up getting shot.
These trespassers deny attempting to steal the farmers ATV, but admit they jumped on it and decided to start it. I’m sure. We’re supposed to believe this even though according to the National Post:
“The driver of the SUV testified the group had been drinking during the day and tried to break into a truck on a neighbouring farm…”
There was outrage after the farmer, Gerald Stanley, was found not guilty. This case is “He dindu nuffin’ he was a good boy”, the Canadian edition. The family’s crying racism and demanding an appeal, because you know, natives should just be able to come to your place of residence and steal your property - it is the current year after all. According to Boushie’s cousin Jade Tootoosis:
“We will fight for an appeal and answers to all the racism that my family has experienced from the day that Colten was shot, until the jury delivered the verdict of not guilty. We will not stop our pursuit for justice.”
Sorry Jade, but justice was served that day. If your cousin didn’t go on a drunken escapade with his compatriots to someone’s home and attempt to steal their property, he wouldn’t have been shot. It’s really that simple. Now the native agitators are running with a #AllWhiteJury hashtag on Twitter and other social media platforms. Apparently, these folks want to be able to come to your property and steal your stuff when they’re on a bender and if white landowners get away with shooting them, well, that just creates a dangerous work environment. I could mention the fact that half the jury pool was made up of natives (all of whom were rejected due to their bias, but apparently racial in-group preferences are only bad when practiced by whites) but I’m not interested in trying to convince the Marxist race baiters there’s no racist conspiracy against them. Let’s not mince words, this freshly squeezed outrage is just another attempt from a non-white identity group to mine resources and special treatment out of the white majority. The fire of racial outrage is of course fuelled and accelerated by the numerous leftwing agitation groups and the treasonous mainstream media.
In case Canadians needed more evidence that the domestic media were ran by a clique of crypto-neo-Marxists Maclean’s Magazine decided to blatantly and arrogantly slap them in the face with their utter disdain for the property rights of rural Canadians. According to the neo-Marxists at Maclean’s, when some thug comes to your place of residence to steal your property you’d better just let him white man, and if he decided to attack you and rape your wife that’s just a little bit of cultural enrichment. According to the author Tammy Robert, a progressive blogger, born in Saskatchewan and then apparently infected by European style leftism in her early twenties:
“The death of Colten Boushie has exposed many ugly attitudes in Saskatchewan, and few as troubling as the idea that a person has some inherent right to shoot to protect property like ATVs, trucks and tools.”
This leftwing subversive then goes on to discuss the fact that legally Canadians don’t actually have the right to defend themselves, as if the anti-property Marxist laws are a vindication of her position, but then laments the fact that there’s a rising tide of people who believe one should be able to use force to protect their property.
“…anyone with a passing familiarity with the Criminal Code as it pertains to self-defence should know the argument has zero basis in law. Worse still is the swelling tide of rhetoric about how it should be legal in Canada to shoot to protect property ‘like it is in the United States.’ ”
She goes on to whine that:
“Arrogance, because only someone with a grossly inflated sense of him- or herself would consider his possessions more valuable than a human life.”
Why is someone’s life valuable if they are a parasite on society? What made Western Civilization the greatest high culture in human history is that we created a system where property was respected. This allowed us to conquer empires that spanned the globe, lift billions of people out of abject poverty and to create technological marvels the primitive cultures of the world couldn’t even dream of. We were able to do this because we ruthlessly punished all forms of parasitism. If thieves were routinely shot there’d be a lot fewer thieves and we would be all the better for it.
This doesn’t have to be a racial issue but the race baiting hucksters such as Postmedia columnist Doug Cuthand want to stir up racial agitation:
“In Saskatchewan ‘rural crime’ is a dog-whistle term that means aboriginal people,” .
In a piece by the state funded CBC, the Canadian equivalent to the Soviet Pravda, Cuthland, a racial agitator, chimed in complaining about Saskatchewan’s “long history of racism”. Tellingly this piece of neo-Marxist agitation propaganda refers to whites as “settlers”, an anti-white pejorative used by neo-Marxist racial agitators. Sorry buddy, I was born on this land and my family has seven generations in this country. It’s my ancestors that built a modern society out of the wilderness. Your people had hundreds of years to build a civilization or a high culture out of this land, but decided not to, or were unable to do so. I’m not a huge fan of Ayn Rand but I do agree with her statement on the issue:
“[The Native Americans] didn't have any rights to the land and there was no reason for anyone to grant them rights which they had not conceived and were not using.... What was it they were fighting for, if they opposed white men on this continent? For their wish to continue a primitive existence, their "right" to keep part of the earth untouched, unused and not even as property, just keep everybody out so that you will live practically like an animal, or maybe a few caves above it. Any white person who brought the element of civilization had the right to take over this continent.”
The author then goes on to give his pseudo-psychological analysis of the white population:
“White people fear Indigenous people mostly because they are unknown to them. Fear of the unknown is a very powerful emotion that clouds people's thinking and reinforces stereotypes”
As someone who grew up in Northern Alberta next to a native reservation I can say this is unequivocally false. The problem isn’t that we didn’t understand or have contact with natives - in fact it’s quite the opposite. The natives I grew up with were largely loud, angry, and violent. It’s not that whites in the north are ‘scared’, but when are significant portion of an ethnic group acts irrationally, violently, and criminally, it’s in ones rational self interest to take notice and act accordingly. Don’t talk to me about racism either, the natives I’ve come into contact with up north were far more racially motivated and hostile towards whites than the other way around. They gave as much as they got and far more. I can’t count the number of times I’ve had to deal with a violent hostile native call me “white boy”.
Does the tone of this article make you angry? Good! What makes me angry is the constant barrage of propaganda and victim baiting every time a member of a minority group does something obnoxious and unlawful, and a white person who defends themselves and/or their property is demonized by the rabbling masses and treasonous media as an example of “white supremacy” and “institutionalized racism”. Whites as a group are then expected to grovel and apologize. I grow weary of racially motivated Marxist pressure groups working to undermine the Anglo-Saxon common law tradition and property rights.
Now to be fair property rights and the Anglo-Saxon common law tradition aren’t historically native institutions and are likely not all that compatible with a culture who’s roots are a tribal society without any concept of property rights or rule of law. Perhaps sharing a huge expansive nation under one system of government is the problem. Maybe we should realize that we are different and just go our separate ways. Let’s end the failed experiment known as the Canadian state. If all you Marxist inspired racial activists hate whites so much, don’t live around us! I certainly don’t want to live around you. You think we’re oppressing and killing you? Let’s end this forced association under a common state and political system, break up the false and phoney political construct known as Canada, and perhaps one day we can learn to live along side each other as good neighbours, instead of trying to share a house together. Either that, or we can just go to war because this isn’t working.