Hollywood ProForma
Where the firing of one director because of sexual misconduct, can and will be used to spam the internet with racism and discord between the genders
“The film director has been fired from his current Queen biopic, but as with all the other cases of harassment, bullying and toxic masculinity, what took Tinseltown so long? - the Guardian
Bryan Singer, the film director, was fired. It’s a big story and the media is running with it. Fired you say? It’s ridiculous to consider that as some kind of punishment for the Hollywood director that has an obsession with “barely legal boys” and a net worth of 120 million.
I’m not making excuses for him, anyone that abuses their power to force someone into sex should feel the full force of the law, yet we all know that reality is different with the kind of money that backs him. Being fired is nothing to him.
The Mainstream Media's Mission
Articles such as this one in the Guardian, blame “toxic masculinity” and “white male privilege” for rape and abuse rampant in Hollywood and society. Oh really? In Singers case at least, it has nothing to do with masculinity or white male privilege. Singer is gay and he sexually abused white boys, where were their privileges? Whether the perpetrator is a male or female (they exist), nonconsensual sex should be considered a crime. No one should be coerced or forced into sex, period.
The article goes on to ask what took Tinseltown so long? That’s a good question, If it was such an open secret, what took Hollywood so long? Well, I’ll tell you...“Hollywood” has always looked the other way, it's filled with people that want to become stars, rich and famous, and many of them will do just about anything to become that. Parents take their kids to Hollywood to jump start a career in the entertainment industry, and they honestly think their kids will not be damaged in some way? Give me a break. You have to be a total dunce to leave your kid in the hands of a couple of Hollywood producers. At best a dunce, at worst they could be considered enablers.
Why didn’t the women molested, groped, or abused by Weinstein for example, not speak out against him while it was still fresh? Take a good guess, would they be as famous and rich if they had outed him back then? Would Meryl Streep be in the position she is today if she hadn’t applauded these scumbags?
Deconstructing Word Spells
When I hear ‘toxic masculinity’ or ‘white male privilege’ being pushed in the media, my alarm bells go off. It broadly generalizes something that only a few people have in relation to the world's population.
Google has the term trending heavily starting around the end of December.
Five-year trend:
12-month trend:
Is it an accident? No way! It’s been newly coined and puts tiny seeds of doubt into minds; seeds of poison that can grow in the minds of the gullible that believe what they watch and read in the mainstream media. Every time the words are heard or read, the brain gets more accustomed to the association, and viola, a negative connotation is born.
It’s an agenda being pushed by every major media outlet, and it is clear that the term is trending just recently. It will be used to ring in the next phase of male bashing...and especially white male bashing.
Gender Principle
In terms of our mental gender, we all have both masculine and feminine aspects on a spectrum. Masculinity is part of our spectrum that controls action and should be nurtured into its optimum just as much as femininity. Without the masculine aspect, no one would take any action at all, the point is to direct the masculine energy into positive action. Males and females are naturally created to work together in harmony, once maturation takes place, and it’s a consolation that most of us want to achieve a balance within ourselves and outwardly.
Celebrities, news outlets, and politicians pushing this agenda against masculinity and white men are ignoring that women too, abuse power. Planting negative connotations to only masculinity also relinquishes women's responsibility, which ironically gives them less power. They are deliberate methods of sowing division amongst us.
Become wise to these methods of sowing division. It’s up to everyone to speak up about it. Voice your opinion, create content or share pieces like this on social media...the ability to do so is dwindling fast.