Mass Formation - A small infographic

in #massformation3 years ago

Mass formation is a concept from Mattias Desmet describing the mass hypnosis of crowds. When there are certain conditions the mass hypnosis of the crowd can form at very large scale being the basis of a totalitarian state.

Unlike any other time in history, this is the first time we have simultaneous mass formation around the entire world.


The people that are part of the mass are in a hypnotic state. It is not possible to reason with them. However, it is important to continue to push back against the narrative. It is helpful in that it prevents further immersion into the hypnosis. If the narrative of propaganda becomes a single voice, this is when the real horrific atrocities begin. At that point, it is as if a new mental state is reached where there will be no moral conscious for any level of suffering onto any opposition to the narrative. Speaking out continuously is the only obstacle that prevents fully entering the end result of the totalitarian state.

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Social Media - MeWe - Gab - Minds - IG - TwitterAuthor - @Dakara (Creator of political/philosophical concept meme/art)