OK, thanks again team for helping reach our goal fastest possible because we all know that time is money, and time spent thinking and concentrating on a goal as a group is the fastest and most effective problem solving method. Community hive mind is what we need to harness to achieve what NANO and LTC are going for right now.
It seems that BTC speeds will go ligntening eventually, but the transaction price will never be free. This is the most major differentiation that we have from BOTH BTC and LTC, and therefore should be our first pitch in the elevator. You can say that STEEM is more decentralized than Ligntening nodes, but it is only a relative comparison and not an indisputable absolute like FREE TRANSACTIONS.
FREE TRANSACTIONS is what makes BTC transactions seem so expensive, and is the ONLY reason why STEEM, LTC and NANO are better than bitcoin as a currency. All 4 of which have known supply. This is why humans are not understanding it. The silver and gold to LTC and BTC is only a FUD confusion to newbies by gold bugs because crypto will usurp gold as money eventually after the kids become comfortable with it. Rocks as cash is not something that humans shold be teaching their kids anymore. Anybody who claims that rocks and paper are more valuable than a digital known quantity asset mutually agreed upon as money due to its unique and highly valuable transactional security utility it serves is not helping them survive tomorrow in a world of robots and is making it harder for that poor child to ever earn financial freedom from nude servitude.
I almost forgot. What should we call our new initiative?
Let's call our new initiative STEEMJET.
frontrunner, let me get some sleep and start upvoting here tomorrow, thank you kind sir, thank you for such sincere creativity. Let's all raise a glass and toast our all new and very fast. Faster than steem ship which was more realistic. However, STEEMJET is is. Simply amazing work my friend. May your adventures be filled with sweet sweetness indeed
Am glad you noticed me.
Excess joy. ☺Awnnnn.. Thanks so much @dimimp.
Thanks for the help @deandaniel. Making STEEM the best free currency is going to take creative ideas like yours. I'm going to need more ideas too, so I hope you don't mind if I hang out with you for a while to see where you are getting your insporation from.
Yeah lets know what you think. @deandaniel.
That's very OK with me boss.
Thank you very much..
You made me smile as I woke up.
Cheers!Go back to bed again... you might wake up laughing this time around :) @deandaniel
Lol.. OK dear
You sure need sleep
Waow "steemjet" is perfect...
I love this innovation
Thanks for your support. @dimimp i celebrate you sir
Alright then, get on board this Jet everyone. We are taking off soon, Faster and fiercer than ever till we circumvent all areas of the world.
Great job everyone.
You must be exhausted @dimimp, go get some rest, we need you at full capacity.
This is a very nice initiative
Awesome dim
Thats really nice @dimimp....
It is a wonderful initiative... I also think STEEMJET sounds nice .
The silver and gold in BTC and LTC is really a confusion to newbies
Oh really. It's awesome to go back in time and learn what you miss. Beautiful to learn how we came up with Steemjet. That's awesome man, that's awesome @deandaniel
hey man, i will talk later about the property, thanks again. If you are ever going to disappear for a while, please just mail me the keys, thanks.
Oh!! Am here to stay, am here to Steem. Am not going anyway. The keys are safe but if you want it anytime just send me a mail and I'll forward it to you. Just to be sure am sending it to the right person, is you email ending with ....portion9...?
Thanks so much man....
STEEMJET remains till infinity
Wow, STEEMJET sounds fantastic..
What an idea.
Haha, this is hilarious,
It's 2018 and I sometimes stay indoors for a whole week, with my refrigerator stock with just what I need, I carry out all my transactions, pay fees and get stuffs online. And someone somewhere still thinks paper is money, WTF are they teaching these kids, they want them to get locked in the past?
just usurped as that little TRADING subset of gold that is exchanged more often than the less mobile rest of the $22trillion market cap gold. The physical market I meant. I also think ursurped in the minds of the kids of tomorrow of what constitutes a useful value of money to them until the power goes out hopefully to be put back on again someday. This is why we watch the zombie movies and zombwolf. Commodities can be more valuable for exchange than gold and when times get REALLY tough. Hunger changes perception, is all I meant by that drunken rant.
Situations and external constraints tend to change the value of things
A concept explained in part 1 of 4 in the steemjet lesson plan: Why purchase a limited asset. I hope you can help explain this concept to the rest of the planet after launch
Well, we do hope it doesn't get to that.
In as much as experience they say, is the best teacher it is always better to learn from critical thinking, observation and common sense.
We must still try to make sure everyone is carried along, it will in turn help our community.
Amazing, the world is past that phase. Paper and gold was 'it' one time but we are past that.
We are in the future now
If paper were to be money, all students would have been billionaires by now.
Yeah this is the (Jet Age)...
So we have the same thoughts and mentality too?
What you said is the truth and anybody who follow trends historically should know that it's the truth.
Just give it a little time and watch crypto takeover every sphere of the world.
And oh! Did you observe that everything is becoming tokenized?
Exactly my thoughts. I see crypto as the tommorow's future we are seeing today.
Yeah, there's cryptocurrency for almost everything now
Lesson 4 in the stemjet message. I hope you can help explain this to the masses
Yeah. I did observe everything is getting tokenized. Well let's see how it goes.
Cryptos is already the present, see how far we've come already.
Check out the blockchain and it's inovations
No one can know more than you do when it comes to crypto. I agree with you cos a a tree can never make a forest alone.
We need our collective effort to achieve more of this goal.
So true, united we stand!!
You can say that again bro
True, we need to come together
Yeah it's all about togetherness
Yes we need to support @dimimp and build more platform's and form more groups so we can spread the word to make this reality happen.
STEEM has the potential to be up there as the best cryptocurrency.
Like you said "Community hive mind is what we need to harness to achieve" this.
"Steem Train Initiative"
I agree with you. I see much potential in STEEM. What steem is Loaded with is Amazing.
I almost forgot. I love the name Steem Train Intiative
I totally agree with you
Steemit train initiative sounds nice
This is true, because of the community behind steem, me and you. Who are willing to do what it takes to lift steem to that level.
Lesson 2 of the steemjet 4 part class
With the new policies and restrictions against bitcoin, I think this is true. Free price transactions will elude bitcoin. But this is really the edge steem, ltc and nano have over bitcoin.
You know one thing I observed, People get attracted to free things especially when it has qualities the Not Free things have.
Free transactions also help increase the number of transactions. Charges makes people limit the number of transactions.
Totally right
This is the kind of analysis I use when I want to introduce somebody to crypto and show him why the traditional financial system will likely fail and why crypto will be the next big thing.
Judging from your carefully laid out points in your other post, let's call it Steem Works
I've taken time to study crypto and I must say, Crypto has come to stay .
Lots of goodies loaded in it which we know not yet.
Oh yeah, I must say, I love the name Steem Works . Steem really works.
Bro u are right
That's what I keep telling people, when they say Steemit is going crash just as mmm
Just show them what they are missing
It's a great work you're doing, we are solidly behind you.
I would suggest we leave the naysayers behind but it's our job to carry everyone along, spread steem to all corners of the earth. It's only a short while before they all realize they've been making huge mistakes.
I agree with you. It's our Job to carry everyone along.
Steem has a more faster transaction speed than BTC and LTC which gives it an edge to outclass them in the future. Most people are still not convinced of the fact that cryptocurrency is an asset. That is why i'm really happy about this new intiative. Lets call it STEEM PREP.
Time is Money . With the speed you manage your time well.Speed is one other good quality here cos just like @dimimp said on this post,
Steem Prep really sounds good
We got the speed.
I agree with you @dimimp, never under estimate the power of cooperation. Building a community with like minded people is the surest way to success and the sky would just be a stepping stone.
Cooperation. Working together with a common mindset to achieve a common goal.
You are right. Wise words have you spoken already
Cooperation is what we need right now
I hope Steem transaction remains free for a long period of time. It will help in it been accepted by
a large number of investors.
I observed one thing, free things attract more people especially when it has very good quality.
True, i hope so too
True, i hope so too
Steemit gave me that hope i once lost and seems so promising in time to come.
I suggest the new initiative be called STEEM ROCKET
Wow. Touching. But I'm glad you found Hope and do hope you find fulfilment and Joy in the future here on Steemit.
We have found a way that works, we should let others know
You're the advert you need when promoting steem. Just tell them your story
Exactly . That's what I do. sh show them screenshots of the money I've made from here which I used to pay my University semester school fees few months ago. You know seeing is believing
So true!! A house divided by itself cannot stand. I believe we are more than a community, we are a family. And families help each other out, they have a common mindset, which in turn makes them achieve their goals faster.
Collective efforts. Team work makes the dream work
i am begining to feel that the rise and fall of bitcoin will always have an effect on tge steem currency and as such steem depends much on bitcoin. I hope that one day the reverse will be the case.
Yeah. It will be a dream come true. It's just a matter of time. Steem will get there.
Steem is the next Big thing considering the speed and the Free Transaction fee. It's just a matter of time. Where steem is right now is where BTC was in 2009.
About the initiative name, how about if we call it Steem Up*
No lie.
We are priviledged to be part of this community.
Massive global adoption is the objective now. I'm amazed when i see people ignorant about crypto, they are still depending on the government who have failed them again and again. I think its our duty to spread the gospel of steem to every nook and cranny of the earth
Our initiative should be called STEEM AIR
It originated from the fact that air is absolutely free if you look it at from a point.
I agree that bitcoin is the future, but we humans use this bitcoins and we the poor should have to suffer too much
Wow. Steem Air . Sounds good. I love the name following the explanation you gave about Air being free.
I just hope @dimimp loves the name too cos I think it's the best
Awesome !!
Steemit has helped scores of people get back their dreams.
Thank you @dimimp
And hopefully we can continue working hard to make other people see that paper and rocks and scissors are not money but items in a cryptogame called Peerplays which is not only a crypto video game but a business coin too
Hi @dimimp,
It seems you got a $8.6513 upvote from @dimimp at the last minute before the payout. (13.79h) and this comment is to make everyone aware.
potential reward pool abuse. Thank you.Please follow @abusereports for additional reports of
I am backed up on my payouts becaue of the overflowing love and abundance poured out by the steem commnity on the steemjet project. I am in the process of purchasing more steem to pay my debts and hopefully after I catch up, I can start paying out in a more timely manner.
True! Hard work cannot be over emphasized
That's the goal @dimimp
Exactly @ambdavid. This is one of the things Steemit has done for me. I'm almost living my dream
BTC may be the most acceptable crypto for now, however, one can't doubt the true potential of STEEM, which is to dominate the market in the future.
Never to underestimate the potential steem is loaded with. It's the Future.
True, we will show them
As for BTC it's better days are just too close. I can see it value hitting 100,000 dollars in just few days.
Trust me kingslanding will have to celebrate this
Exactly. Kingslanding will celebrate this.
100 or 10k?
I have a suggestion for you I don't know if you might like.
It is
Open a blockchain and introduce your own coin we your followers will be glad to own it
Wow. You really have good thoughts towards @dimimp. I love this
That would be great if it is attainable.
Subordination of individual interest to general interest is what Bolt corporations to another level. So let's just call it "steem helping hands"
Every body should have financial freedom.
I would call th initiative STEEM GRATIS
You are right about financial freedom and that's what Steemit is helping us achieve.
You can call it "Steem for financial freedom" Welcome...@dimimp
Nice suggestion
Transaction speed gotta outweigh transaction charges, I believe that's the biggest challenge Bitcoin is experiencing right now, slow transactions. Transaction charges, as long as they stay reasonable can be accommodated.
That's why I choose steem, fast and free. But it's to up to we steemians to take Steem to where it needs to be, where it should be, UP there.
I'm completely in support of the new initiative, as I believe it's up to us to make it better.
Since you happen to be a huge game of thrones fan like myself, I suggest we search for a nice game of thrones catch phrase that represents our course. There must be something!
Yeah since he's a huge fan of game of thrones, I think Steem Lannister will be good. Just suggesting thoo
Welcome @dimimp. How about we call it steemRock
Wow. SteemRock Sounds cool. Nice suggestion
None of his/her bone would be left!!!
In addition to its security, I think that in a world where robots and computers exist, its only appropraite that digital measures are in place other than rocks and papers....I agree with your points.
With regards to the new initiative, I think "Steemimp" could go well...Just saying. Nice post.
Steemimp has a good ring to it!! Its a welcome idea.
"Steemimp" sounds interesting @dimimp. but can u explain the concept behind the name?
It's security is one other good credit to it in addition to the speed.
Nice suggestion about the initiative
If we have to pay for a transaction, let its speed be worth the pay. The issue is not the fee, but the slow rate of transactions. For me, steem works better. It free and fast. It just needs to enlisted on all exchange cuase it makes life easier.
Yes, so true, good concept of the pay for performance platforms vs the free platforms and I think also the markets are waiting for SMT for utility. When SMT?
Fast transaction is what makes steem stand out
Lesson 4 of 4 in the steemjet lesson plan
Yeah. Exactly. More and more lessons to learn
Exactly. The transaction fee should be worth it.
Steem is really fast
I just hope they add it to all exchange.
For the name suggestion, I think STEEM FAUCET PRO sounds real good. But then this is just a suggestion, I will be hanging around here to see what suggestions others will bring to the table.
Nice Suggestion man. People are dropping more and more.
I have this strong conviction that with this height of community effort, we will not only reach the level NANO and LTC has reached but we will proceed to soar beyond and reach even greater heights. The best things in the world are achieved as a group.
Yes. I believe same with you.
Together everybody achieves more. T. E. A. M.
United we stand.
Steem is the future... is our duty as steemians to push the platform to greater heights.
Steem can be better than Nano and LTC and probably match up with bitcoin!
Parents should drop archaic beliefs and teaching and thoroughly educate their children on digital currency. They should understand that crypto has come to stay no matter what any government or person wants to do about it. Therefore children should be taught, in their own interest, to embrace digital currency since this is the surest way at our time and age, to escape from financial slaveryy
My new initiative for you is to revive the steem trade project or own a new blockchain just like some of your followers have mention.
I will we be glad to purchase dimimp coin
Wow. That's so wise..
Make sense!!
Good initiative
Nice dream
I have been reading all the good comments down here for sometime now and I saw what @deandaniel replied.
To me that is the most awesome reply and deserve 100% upvote.
We can only get better adapting this new initiative and giving our best into it.
Just light it up and we your followers will follow up the light
I concur
@dimimp STEEMJET just like @deandaniel has mentioned will be the best name for our new initiative.
This time I am 1000% in support of it and I am assuring you that all of us are going to willing fully support you.
Just launch it let's get started.
I love you
Can't wait for it to be launched @steemdiva.
checked out the post. it's a nice introductory post about our project steemjet
Yeah I think so
Interesting and Quite Innovative 👍
I agree with you completely. I am working in a university in Germany. So in April I will hold our first lecture about Steem and Steemit for our students to teach them an alternative to rocks, paper and servitude. I think it is the first lecture about it in hole Germany.
Steemit gave me that hope i once lost and seems so promising in time to come.
I suggest the new initiative be called STEEM ROCKET
STEEM transactions are free and very fast. I think it us the best @dimimp .
am optimistic about STEEM
we have to work hard for the survival of the community.
STEEM is the best because it is free and fast .
it worth investing
This just means we all have to work harder, this is such a huge dream but we gotta make it work.
in our little communities and neighbourhood. We have to be the driving force of this initiniative and dream
...With the development and improvement taking place in this community, I now believe in the adage that..."two heads are better than one"