hi andrarchy I follow u in YouTube since ur first video u made till now. but I don't follow u here because I don't like the idea of just up voting and following others just for the money, as I already follow u on YouTube, sine we are talking about ideas I thought might just contribute, so here is my idea why don't we create to places where we can all view each other's post and we can also send posts here is mine #steemitreview
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Thanks for nothing?
why u say that? Just being honest I am one of ur original supports and still follow and love some of ur videos not all. Lol I only chose to follow no voice here, but I love ur new ideas and projects hopeful from now on I will follow if it will help those like me and expect my comments on ur YouTube channels
lol, dude... what kind of love are you showing now?
@cryptosteem, you don't sound like an original supporter/fan of his work at all.
Thank you for ur reply as for original I don't need to judged myself to u. Nor do I follow anyone for money. I support and follow the no voice like me, and will continue to do so, the only Dolphins I follow are two both on YouTube mainly.
Your telling somebody who is sharing good advice with you for FREE, "Fuck your advice and everything I've learned from you since day 1... look at me, look at me looking at you... That is all"