The 4Cs: Four (4) Key Pillars of steemit SUCCESS!

in #masterclasskk7 years ago (edited)

Hello fellow Steemians,

I am finally back to Steemit after 2 days of Chinese New Year Holiday! So, in response to the assignments from our 1st ever Steemit Masterclass which was held during last weekend in KK, here is my 4/5 entry of "quality content creation" assignment.

Today's topic is the 4Cs (Pillars) that will determined your success on steemit platform. So, what are the 4Cs?


Steemit is a blogging and social networking website on top of the Steem blockchain database

In steemit, creating content is very crucial because this is a social blogging platform. You can choose to put in knowledge, effort and time to create quality content and build your reputation and get greater pay. Or, you can choose to take easier path, create poor content but it will get you to nowhere. Therefore, it is advisable to always.. always pick a topic that you have knowledge about!

If you want to success in Steemit, you need to create original and quality content. Just like other blogging platform, plagiarism is strongly not encouraged. You will be penalized or in steemit terms, “flagged” for duplicating other people’s content. However, you will get recognition and reward (higher upvote) if your content is original and add value to the community. Not only that, if you continue to write quality content, people will start trailing you and eventually become your follower.


Another way to increase the amount of content you publish in your blog page is through content curation. Review contents which have the same niche as yours from other Steemians, and that you think add value to the community; gather the links of the sources, share some description of the contents, give additional information, thoughts or opinions to that content and publish that content in your blog post. Your blog audience and the author will appreciate you for citing and linking to their source.

In steemit platform, you will get Curation Reward if you comment, upvote and resteem other people’s posts. Therefore, it is always good to spend sometimes reading the content from people you follow or from your followers. If you feel that the content deserves an upvote and commendable, please do so. In the end, it will benefit both parties (75:25 ratio of Author & Curation rewards)


Image Source

“I created good content, but no one read my blog!”.. Have you experience this before? As a newbie myself, I experienced this too. One of the reasons is because; you have not built big number of followers yet. So, wait no more, start courting your followers!

One of the best ways to court your followers is to use appropriate tags! It doesn’t matter how good your contents are, but if they’re tagged or categorized to the entirely wrong group of people, no one from that group will read, vote and follow you because of different niche. By using appropriate tags, you will likely to reach people who share your niche and don’t be surprise the number of your followers will increase without you noticing it.

Besides that, check out other blogs to find steemians who share your interests. Get to know them a bit. Comment, upvote or even resteem their contents if you feel they deserve it and follow them. At the same time, don’t forget to engage and reply those who have commented on your contents. You may not know, someday they might be your loyal followers.

In addition to that, new steemians are encouraged to blog regularly. Blogs that have regular postings tend to get noticed and develop audience or follower quicker.


A community helps people to feel a sense of belonging and naturally encourage more engagement among each other. Take a look at how #teammalaysia has developed sub-communities such as #myach, #myjuniors, #cn-malaysia #steem-cartoon for its community to engage with one another. From these sub-communities, you can find like-minded people to have a discussion with.

For a start, join a community that share your interest and slowly participate in a project that they’ve developed in Steemit. By involving to such project, you will have the opportunity to engage with other steemians. Every act of engagement will bring you closer the community and you will attract more users to your profile.

Last but not least, even if you have done all the above, don’t expect to develop a huge following and huge success overnight. All these take times and don’t get discouraged by the slow start. With persistence, you will someday reach to the level that you’ve dreamt of.

By the way, interested to know more about what I've learned and experienced from Steemit Masterclass? Feel free to read my previous contents from the links below:

Till then..



Great refresher after the long break from CNY. 😁

Haha kan!!!

hurm this is ac2ly a very good point. but aside of "i write a great blog" well im not xD hahaha but thank you for the tips ill try my best for following this steps and tips!

Haha.. You are not alone.. I believe most of us are still struggling to write good contents. But don't worry, we learn slowly and keep creating content..we will eventually improve..

Hi @connie1018. Nice presentation and very creative.

Keep on posting .
Thank you for sharing.

Thank you @papanog. Yeah, will keep on posting and practice what we've learned from the Masterclass..

Thank you for sharing. On quality content, I just realized for me, I spent an average of 2.5 hours per post. I don't see it as a stress factor at all. In fact, I was convinced to join this community for my love of writing. Thanks for this sharing. It is surely an enjoyable read.

Thank you @jazz-accountant.. glad to know that you enjoyed being in this platform and thanks for taking ur time to read my blog!