Setup Arctic Coin Masternode VPS - Step by Step

in #masternode7 years ago (edited)

Easy video and step by step tutorial on how to setup Arctic Masternode.

Things Needed:

FTP : fillezilla
VPS From Vultr : 1000.01 Tokens from Cryptopia : Putty :

Step 1
Run these commands:

adduser newUsername usermod -aG sudo newUsername

Step 2:
Run these commands to make a swapfile (for small VPS) :

sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/var/swap.img bs=1024k count=1000 sudo mkswap /var/swap.img sudo swapon /var/swap.img

Run free again to confirm you now have a swapfile. Note: If you chose a different server
option from Vultr, with less RAM, you’ll need a LARGER swapfile, i.e. set the count
parameter to something larger like 2048, 4096 etc. If the compilation steps fails partway
through this is usually the reason.

To make the swap file persist when the server is rebooted:

sudo chmod 0600 /var/swap.img sudo chown root:root /var/swap.img sudo nano /etc/fstab

Append the following line to the end of the file:

/var/swap.img none swap sw 0 0

Save the file and exit

Step 3: Firewall ( can do this step at anytime )

sudo ufw allow OpenSSH sudo ufw allow 7209 sudo ufw default deny incoming sudo ufw default allow outgoing sudo ufw enable

Step 4
sudo apt-get install -y build-essential software-properties-common autoconf libssl-dev libboost-dev libboost-chrono-dev libboost-filesystem-dev libboost-program-options-dev libboost-system-dev libboost-test-dev libboost-thread-dev sudo automake git sudo add-apt-repository ppa:bitcoin/bitcoin -y

Step 5
sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install libdb4.8-dev bsdmainutils libdb4.8++-dev -y mkdir ~/arc

Step 6

cd ~/arc

wget -xvf arcticcore-0.12.2-linux64.tar.gz mv arcticcore-0.12.1/* ./ rm arcticcore-0.12.2-linux64.tar.gz rm -r arcticcore-0.12.1/ sudo cp ~/arc/bin/arcticcoind /usr/local/bin/ sudo cp ~/arc/bin/arcticcoin-cli /usr/local/bin/ sudo cp ~/arc/bin/arcticcoin-tx /usr/local/bin/

Step 7 Create and edit conf
mkdir .arcticcore nano .arcticcore/arcticcoin.conf


Save & Exit

Step 8

arcticcoind -daemon arcticcoin-cli getinfo arcticcoin-cli getnewaddress 0 => address

Save the output of the last command, this is the address you'll send your ARC to.
Send EXACTLY 1000 ARC this address (1000.01 from cryptopia)

Then list transaction to make sure its there:
arcticcoin-cli listtransactions

and get the txid Save to a text file

Check to make sure your balance is there once synced all blocks and you have 15 Confirmations
arcticcoin-cli getbalance => 1000.00000000

Step 9
arcticcoin-cli goldminenode genkey =><SAVE_THIS_GEN_PRIVATE_KEY_FOR_CONF> arcticcoin-cli stop nano .arcticcore/arcticcoin.conf

And edit the conf file again and copy the code below:

goldminenodeprivkey= genkey

Step 10
arcticcoind -daemon arcticcoin-cli goldminenode outputs => { "xxxx": "IDX" } Note the "IDX" value and open the file "nano ~/.arcticcore/goldminenode.conf". Add the following line: mn1 <YOUR_SERVER_IP> :7209 GENKEY TXID +1 Then save and start the masternode Then arcticcoin-cli goldminenode start. Check your goldmine is connected by doing: arcticcoin-cli goldminenode list | grep 63ab96564e93c676e65f502f24fc254ef599eb051fe52e61f63632206c6f52fb "TXID-IDX": "PRE_ENABLED" After 20-30 min you should see: arcticcoin-cli goldminenode list | grep txid "AAAAA-B": "ENABLED" Like my content? You can tip me here: BTC: 1BKAbcowg68WytyPbwbFihNJBXpPSFj6u1 ETH: 0xA25D845E0f5F4D0c84770B02Cfb1ea80518e978B


Problems I ran into and the solutions I came up with:

  • Trying to install all dependencies at once with the -y flag gave problems. I ended up installing them manually a few at a time.

  • Ubuntu couldn't find libdb4.8-dev and libdb4.8++-dev. Instead I had it install libdb5.1-dev and libdb5.1++-dev.

  • The arcticcoin.conf file needs to in ~/ .arcticcore/, so after finishing this file in step 9, do this:
    cp .arcticcore/arcticcoin.conf ~/.arcticcore/

  • If you didn't do this and continued to set up the goldmine node (like me), you'll likely be given an error such as "You must set goldminenode=1 in the configuration" or "incorrect rpcuser or rpcpassword (authorization failed)". In that case make sure the arcticccoin.conf file is in the correct place as describe above and then restart the daemon. The easiest way for me to restart it was to kill it by:

  1. running top to find the PID of the "arcticcoind" process.
  2. running kill -9 PID (substituting "PID" with the PID I found)
  3. running arcticcoind -daemon to restart the daemon

Then I was able to run arcticcoin-cli goldminenode start and get that node going.

FWIW I did this on an old Ubuntu 14.04 server I had sitting around

Wow, thank you!

dr00min Did you actually install a masternode following these instructions?

Actually, I think I lost all my coins. I couldn't figure out how to fix the problem with arcticcoind not running so I restarted the server. The good news is arcticcoind now runs but it says I have 0.00 coins.

I would be careful following this tutorial unless you know a fair amount about Linux. Because if something goes wrong, you're unlikely to get any help.

Hi Cliff! Nice video. But, for accessing the VPS from a Windows machine, you might want to try Cygwin. It's a bash shell for Windows, and its setup procedure is much easier and much less confusing than is the procedure for Putty.

Thanks Cliff! Easy post to follow and an informative video.

hey i got
error code: -32603
error message:
You must set goldminenode=1 in the configuration
i went back into the config and it says its "1" i dont know what the issue is

I had the same issue. change the following:
nano .arcticcore/arcticcoin.conf
change to
nano ~/.arcticcore/arcticcoin.conf
that worked for me

thank you but now its saying error: incorrect rpcuser or rpcpassword (authorization failed).

the following should be your first 2 lines in the the .conf file. Don't forget to change the values in the brackets and remove the brackets.


thats the set up for my file

got same failure found a solution, how do i get the coins back

Did you get your coins back?

Did you find a solution saltysamartin?

sorry i was in the field with my unit we just got back yesterday. I didn't find a solution i just ended up using the masternode service set up and had it done for me.

I got the same error as bashct above.
error code: -32603
error message:
You must set goldminenode=1 in the configuration

Plus the directions say to edit the goldminenode.conf file as you suggested. So I did that but I am left to trying to figure out why I got the error still.

Join me here for help on the topic.

Is it a problem if additional coins were sent after the initial 1000? My goldmine node shows as enabled, but I am not seeing any additional coins... and 48 hours have passed.

No matter what i do it keeps telling me : error: incorrect rpcuser or rpcpassword (authorization failed) - I have tried changing it and done other things. :-/ have i just lost my 1000 coins?

I'm in the same boat. The good news is that my getbalance returns a value of 1000 coins. But I am getting stuck with a cycle of the incorrect rpcuser or password and or the goldminenode=1 errors. Help!

Hi. I am having the same problem. I get all the time incorrect rpcuser or rpcpassword. Were you able to fix this issue?

Thanks. Great info.

Nice guide. I successfully setup my Goldmine just like you outlined, however I do not understand how the masternodes are getting paid. I still only have 1000 coins after 5 days.

Just give it more time.

Patience is the key. I just checked today and had 3 new transactions.

hi, maybe you can help me..i run my node on VPS via terminal on Mac OS, how i can find my arc wallet ? where is my coins comes to, how i can withdraw my profit from node? My node has enables satus, but it's mining to 'somewhere' and i'd like to know where i can find this
'somewhere' hope you understand me ) how i ca get an access to my wallet and coins. Thanks in advance!

What about masternode on Windows VPS, thoughts?

nice! thank you!!

I goofed this up at one part and need to start over. My coins are still there but I keep getting "server not running" and my commands won't work.

How can I send the coins back to my wallet and start over?

Great tutorial. Thanks.
Still one more question. How do I cancel/stop mn and move the balance from the wallet? Im getting now insuficient founds. Look like 1000 ARC are lock . How do I unlock that, I want to do mn in windows pc. Thank u

Same question. I need to shut down one of the VMs I have a masternode on and would like to move my coins to an exchange first... Not sure on the correct process to do that though from the command line...

This has been asked plenty of times on the discord chat and there are clear instructions. I did it from the command line using these instructions from masternoder:

  • if your gokdmine node is stopped, just do arcticcoin-cli sendtoaddress "arctic-address" amount
  • if it says "insufficient funds" subtract 0.1 ARC from amount
  • if it still says "insufficient funds" the your goldmine node is probably not stopped!
    to stop your goldmine node (masternode):
  1. nano .arcticcore/goldminenode.conf
  2. put a # at the start of each line. save the file
  3. stop and start wallet arcticcoin-cli stop then arcticcoind
    then try and send coins again