What is Masternode
A computer that processes transactions on the blockchain, which is then rewarded with coins from the blocks created.”
In blockchain technology, there are three commonly-known types of nodes: the ordinary node, the full node, and the masternode.
The difference between a masternode and a node are their responsibilities.
Dividend.Cash (DVD) - https://dividend.cash/
Dividend.Cash (DVD) coin is a revenue-generating cryptocurrency, forking from PIVX as a Proof of Stake and Masternode coin, that enables owners to receive dividends that paid with multiple payout including dash, pivx and another popular masternode cryptocurrency on a daily basis.
Personally, as a cryptocurrency enthusiast and adopter, I love investing in secure platforms and networks.
Name DividendCash
Symbol DVD
Address Prefix D
Block Reward 2-25 DVD
Block time 60 seconds
Block Maturity 50 Block
Confirmation 6 Block
Masternode Collateral 1.000 DVD
Total Supply 21.210.101 DVD
Premine 165.301 DVD (~0.77% )
Reward Distribution 80% Masternode / 20% Stakers
P2P Port 29997
RPC Port 29998
Mine-able No
Stake-able Yes
Dividend.Cash (DVD) It's the most profitable cryptocurrency
Dividend.Cash (DVD) coin is a revenue-generating cryptocurrency, forking from PIVX as a Proof of Stake and Masternode coin, that enables owners to receive dividends that paid with multiple payout including dash, pivx and another popular masternode cryptocurrency on a daily basis. The dividends comes from our shared masternode hosting fee, shared staking hosting service fee, crypto exchange fee and our affiliate programs. In the nearest future, Dividend.Cash will adopt other revenue generating feature.
If the blockchain were a factory:
Ordinary nodes are the factory workers. Ordinary nodes (simply called, nodes) are the foundation of a cryptocurrency, and their purposes are to prevent double spending and to secure the blockchain. Nodes are rewarded by contributing to block creation and network consensus. In PoW, nodes are miners and in PoS, nodes are staking wallets.
Full nodes are the factory foremen. Full nodes contain the entire copy of the blockchain in real-time, whereas an ordinary node does not contain any such copy. Full nodes can also connect to over 124 other nodes while an ordinary node can only connect to 8.
Masternodes are the factory managers. Masternodes are full nodes with extra capabilities — they perform different types of services, such as Instant Send, Private Send, and storage of the full blockchain, for which they receive block rewards. Masternodes are full nodes in both PoW and PoS.
A masternode is a server on a decentralized network which is utilized to complete unique functions in ways ordinary nodes cannot.
Why own a Dividend Cash masternode?
It is extremely useful to have many servers holding a full copy of the blockchain working for the native coin. Apart from directly contributing to the coin’s ecosystem and security, masternode operators will be awarded with larger portions of block rewards as compared to normal nodes due to their increased capabilities and responsibilities. The masternode system provides its native coin an advantage over volunteer-run blockchains, with its thousands of distributed servers working 24x7.
Overview of the Masternode market
Total number of coins : 362
Total market capitalization :+$3 billion dollars
Median ROI : 24%
(Among top 10 Masternode coins by market cap as of 30th June 2018)
Fast reward frequency : 90 min
(Among 200,000 active masternodes)
Masternode is undoubtedly a new and viable means of generating passive income.
Despite all the benefits of masternode ownership, operating a masternode is extremely resource-intensive (in terms of technical knowledge, capital, and time).
Coin2Play starts off as a hybrid of PoS and Masternode system. Miners and Masternodes will be generously rewarded because it is in the interest of our team to ensure a stable return of investments crypto Users and Masternode owners.
We are also working on the mobile game project connected to our blockchain to add more value to the chain. Used for in-game payment service.
Coin2Play will become more valuable and interesting for investors. Coin2Play will be used as a payment service where we will provide an API for an easy integration of casino games online games and other payment services (systems).
Which is very profitable masternode with lowest investition?
Posted using Partiko Android
Some DVD doesn't sound bad just gotta get that Addy with my phone now