Steemians, by now I'm sure most of you have heard of master nodes and there is probably quite a few of you that either run one, would like to, or don't have a clue. Let me give you a little insight in to making some cryptocurrency.

Master Nodes
to each of you who took the time to check out this post feel free to ask any questions, I wish you all the best.
Now that link goes directly to chaincoin, and if you look over the snap shot you'll see the earnings are small however there not completely accurate and once you get a few master nodes up your rewards obviously increase, most importantly you have to keep in mind the following you will need to be able to stake whatever amount of coins is required by your chosen coin in order to run a master node for chain code its a 1,000 chc in order to run a master node and you need a reasonably prices vps which you can find at node-vps.com for 3 dollars a month, which isn't to bad at all. Once you have the vps and the coins needed then its just a matter of grabbing chain coin's masternode set up guide or which ever coin you decide to go with and walking through the process. Its actually that simple now each one is a little different so I will not post the guides but I will tell you each coin has a guide on its website or with in the faqs and its easy to follow them, infact the only thing that took me a while with this coin was the whole wallet sync up, that was literally it. Additionally node-vps.com has guides inside their website with in the dashboard area. Ladies and gentlemen and thats basically it and then its just a matter of maintaining your master node which is easy so long as you apply common sense and an attitude to succeed. Thats basically it and bam you've got it, now if you run into problems I recommend always asking the team involved with your chosen coin for help or resources and usually they are pretty quick to help depending on the type of community whether its an active one or not. Chain coin has a very active community with several people both in discord as well as on the forums that are always willing to help, one thing to know about chain coin is they are in the process of fixing a major error the node rewards are suppose to be much higher but due to some technical situation the development team is in the process of finishing up testing on the wallet fix for this issue and they are very vocal about it, its not only in the discord server but its also on the website. If any of you try this stuff out, creating a master node and run in to any issues feel free to post in the dcomments and if I can help you I will if not I will at least reach out to help find the right person that can. For more information on master nodes and the types of currencies you can get invovled with to run a master node my recommendation is you go check out the website https://masternodes.online
The image on the header of my post is provided by masternodeguides.com one of the best places to find resources for master nodes
I located the master node word graphic on Coinsutra through a google image search