Best Masternode Other Than Dash and Pivx? It's Bulwark. (My Opinion)

in #masternodes7 years ago

How a Masternode works:

Masternodes are very similar to the way mining works. The difference is instead of purchasing hard ward like GPUs or ASIC miners to solve mathematical puzzles to secure a cryptocurrencies network and to verify transactions you lock up collateral. (in BULWARK's case 5,000 BWK)

Once a masternode is live, it accommodates a series of functions, such as instant and/or anonymous payments. A masternode is a server connected to the network which guarantees a certain minimum level of performance and functionality to perform certain tasks related to PrivateSend and InstantSend. The masternodes are paid using a concept known as Proof of Service. Bulwark uses both Proof of Service and Proof of stake with 65% of each block going to masternodes and 35% going to proof of stake. Currently I'm running a BWK masternode and my rewards are 24.375 BWK every 25 hours.Screen Shot 2018-07-17 at 1.24.09 PM.png

At it's current price that's about $25 a day which means annually my ROI is about 113%.

Why I Choose Bulwark Over other Masternodes:

For me this comes down to one very important trait any project needs. Active and dedicated developers.
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Screen Shot 2018-07-17 at 1.34.27 PM.pngUnlike many other crypto projects in this space... The Bulwark's team has been the glue that keeps the Bulwark community active and on a upward trajectory. Want to set up a masternode, but have no idea how to do it? Why don't you talk directly to the developers at their discord here They helped me set mine up.

Their wallet has a clean and modern feel to it.
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Recently after spending months fine tuning and perfecting the Bulwark blockchain. They have switched their focus to the marketing side of the project and over the past few weeks... their effort has been obvious.

They added six new crypto advisors and enthusiast to their team. Which you can read about all of them here.

The GIN Platform has them listed as a tier 1 masternode and are hosting 28 Bulwark masternodes.
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Bulwark's circulating supply is currently only at 8,936,451. Which is a very small amount compared to other cryptocurrencies and it's all time high is $16.50. Screen Shot 2018-07-17 at 1.51.01 PM.png

It is not unrealistic to think that we could hit those numbers again with a project this strong and a circulating supply this low... but no promises. I can't see the future. I can just bet on it and I bet it will. I'm also, not a financial advisor. Do your own research.

Bulwark can currently be bought at Cryptopia here:

If you're looking for a solid masternode project to invest into... Bulwark is a great option in my not so financially advised opinion.


You could use the team argument about any project out there, what's so special about this glue compared to other really good glues? what benefits do Cryptopia provide for a referral?

I get a little bit of the trading fee when you make a trade on Cryptopia. The Bulwark team is always active and available for any new member or old member of the community. The reason this glue is a little stickier than another project is it's backed by Solid technology, active community, and an excellent ROI for masternodes. Their marketing has just began and it's shown in the value of the coin.