Hey good people,
that is an easy answer: I did not want to. Why I still studied it, is the topic of this post.
When I was finished school the question was what I now want to do with my life. I had to do the service first, so I had one year to make up my mind. I loved math, programming and cars. And well... in Germany you can make a lot of money in the automobile industry and so I decided to try to get a study one of the car manufacturers. I failed to get a study as an engineer for cars... They only offered me a study for a economy study with a focus on cars. At first I decided to go this route. Mainly because money was good and I thought I could do that. Half a year passed and just a few weeks before the start of a new life I decided that this is not what I wanted for me and my life. Dropped the secure money and decided to apply again next year. In the meantime I needed something to do and I decided to start a study in mathematics? Why? Because the basics of math you also need as a car engineer and in Germany you can transfer this lectures. So I started studying mathematics..
Why did I stay at mathematics?
Well I loved math since I was young but there are quite some prejudices against studying mathematics. First of, that there is no way to earn money other than getting a math teacher in school. Second, that u will never use your knowledge in real life. In the first half year studying mathematics I realized that this is not true. We visited companies that offer many jobs for mathematicians, we learned that you can basically combine it with many other topics loke biology, computer science, economy and many more. We learned that if you combine math with all this you can easily earn money.
The money and future perspective was the one topic. But the other main topic was that I saw how much fun math can be. By all means, I did not enjoy every subject ,but most of them where super interesting. After realizing how much fun math was and that I will not end up unemployed in the end (an opinion that many people had and communicated) I decided to drop my plans for engineering and study mathematics.
My objective with this post is to encourage people. Don't let your environment influence you. Back in the days people and my environment influenced me a lot and was about to go the wrong path. Go your way. Enjoy.
I agree with you :)
Go for it!

Yes, the pie was delicious.
I hate math, This make me crazy
No worries. Basically all people around me including my girl haze math :)
Haha Thanks, Please visit My blog AND SUPPORT
This comment has received a 0.12 % upvote from @booster thanks to: @hamzaoui.
This comment has received a 0.10 % upvote from @booster thanks to: @hamzaoui.
Very good post i ve enjoy it a lot
I went from elementary to full Maths orientated high-school and well, I finished one year with the score 4,15/5 . Not great right, I mean not bad just ans one of the best student's in my elementary school, and I went to physics competitions ( even tho my best place was 10th, again that is not really bad just...). Long story short, I changed my school this year. I'll see for later. I guess some algebra and analysis will be useful sometimes, geometry nope! Who the fu*k needs Homothety, half of grown ups don't know what it is!
Hehe, yeah not all topics are usefull in real life :)
Excellent post) thank you for sharing your story :) I follow you)
Nice post. I used to like Maths too, until I realised they are too difficult for me, so I moved on to computers!
Well I did my phd in computer science. So I was not 100% loyal :)
need it @jero1
Und als was arbeitest du jetzt, wenn ich fragen darf?
Ich gehe an ein mathematisch-naturwissenschaftliches Gymnasium mit dem von mir gewählten Schwerpunkt auf Anwendung der Mathematik und Physik. Ich bin aber auch extrem interessiert in Informatik :D Dennoch weiss ich noch gar nicht, was ich studieren will..
I hope you understand German xD
Klar. Gerade arbeite ich noch an der Uni (habe Dr. gemacht) und werde ab Spetember bei einem großen Automobilhersteller im des Bereich DMU Prozesses arbeiten. Habe also viel mit Geometrie und Programmieren gemacht und ab und an ein wenig Physik.
Hört sich interessant an! Werde ich mir auf jeden Fall merken :D