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RE: Infinite Terrain Generator Demonstration

in #mathematics9 years ago

Once you started running around in it at first I thought you might have used Marching Cubes or Marching Tetrahedrons, but you are just placing the vertices of a plane that is usually done with a height map it looks like.

Still cool. I love this stuff. I mess with weird side projects like this all of the time too. I blogged about some of my voxel, tile, and other side diversions today.

Looks cool. Are you just using a Vertex Shader there?


Yep, vertex shading is being used for the mesh. Since I wanted each triangle to be a flat shaded solid color, vertex shading make it pretty simple, with the option to still overlay a texture if I so choose.

I really am just using a height map derived from a noise function. Most of the interesting code is how noise values are blended to give interesting terrain, and making Unity play nice with true multithreaded generation in order to run at a decent speed while spitting out chunks of terrain.

I'm probably not gonna do much more work with this project. I'm currently playing with Compute Shaders and seeing if I can implement Marching Cubes to give something more interesting/varied than a heightmap.

Nice. I haven't messed with compute shaders. I should as they could save the day on some of my weird side things.