Smart person act foolish

in #mathematics9 years ago

My teacher said my  IQ score is estimated to be above 130, He told me that your intelligence in the top 10 per cent of the population. 

But this, surely, does not the whole story. Sometime my dear friend called me “as a result ill-informed”. I don’t want my intellect had been questioned.

Why someone with a high IQ have these kinds of intellectual deficiencies? 

My young boss tell me, 

IQ tests are very good for measuring certain mental faculties, including logic, abstract reasoning, learning ability ,working-memory capacity.

So maybe I just only a “smart” person act foolishly?

Who have answer at this topic? 

Do not give me result,just hint enough! please.



Answer is easy.

Look at the pattern of the number in display.

On the left column look at the first digit and compare it to the right column first digit.

The second number on the left column is in an ascending increment of one and it would multiply in an increasing manner to achieve the number on the right column (2nd and third digit).

Correct Answer = 756
56/ 7 = 8[ Second digit of 68]

748---that's the point.
IQ is the ability for dealing with non-life things while EQ is the skill for something alive (ex. People) who are more complicated and not following simple rules.
You ask for hint, they would give you result. Why? Why not? :-)

This is just the hint, not the answer or relationship: the sum of the digits=19 and and multiplied by each other =224. It's quite tricky.

Why need to calculate the sum of the digits ?

RHS first digit always same as LHS last digit.
Remaining RHS digits are from a operation on the 2 digits in the LHS