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RE: E=Mc2 Proved wrong in under 5 mins

in #maths9 years ago (edited)

Except, e=mc2 will continue to work if the speed of light were expressed in fractions. It would be e=m ONLY when c=1. At lower fractions, let's say c=0.5, e=0.25m.

So, I don't know what you're getting at. :)


I am assuming C is being used as a constant and not as fractions of a constant. If the latter is true then I have learned something today. Thanks for your reply.

c is defined as a constant in our universe. Since you are changing to a universe where c=1, I'm adding another where c=0.5. That was my point. :)

Basically, it doesn't matter what c is - the equation will apply. If the c were 1, it's only a co-incidence that e=m.

yes i see , oh well back to the drawing board :)

I have been under the impression that we should always use the constant C in that equation not any fraction of C you like.

Exactly. And c = 299,792,458. Not 1.

It's only 299,792,458 because thats the way we measure it if we measured it in fraction of the speed of light then it would be 1. If changing the measurement system can cause the equation to go from e=mc2 to e=m then it was always e=m . Why can't I change the Pythagorean equation by changing how i measure things.