Pi In The Sky! Numbers From The Constant 'Pi' Appear In the Sky... Human Or Not?

in #maths7 years ago

I don't have much information about this except that it was probably filmed in the American region (going by the voices in the recording). The video shows numbers from the maths contant 'Pi' - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pi

The numbers simply manifest in some way that is persistent, suggesting some kind of direct agitation of the 3D space resulting in, possibly, cloud like formations appearing in the shape of numbers.

What do you think? Is this a message from somewhere else - reminding us of the power of sacred geometry? Or is it is a scientist on Earth goofing around during lunch? :)

▶️ DTube

Cool, I wasn't expecting to see numbers forming as they filmed. Though I'm hoping it's something more mystical, I'm sure some will say they are just drones of some sort. Nonetheless, that's pretty cool to watch! :)
Edit: Just watched again and they're just planes (they said something about being mesmerized by the planes doing it or else...). I watched another video showing a close up of the planes/skywriters in Austin. I'm kinda bummed, lol

Well, here we have definite proof that it is humans messing with humans.

π is a rational number.
When we figure out what is wrong with our mathematics and fix it, then we will discover a ton about π that we never knew. Simple, elegant, whole numbers.

So, if the numbers in the sky are 3.141592653...
then we know it was created by man and our flawed math, and not extra-terrestrials.