مولوی - مثنوی معنوی - دفتر دوم - بخش ۱۴ | Rumi - Spiritual Couplets - Book 2 - Part 14

in #maulana8 years ago

How a peasant stroked a lion in the dark, because he thought it was his ox.

A peasant tied an ox in the stable: a lion ate his ox and sat in its place.

The peasant went into the stable to (see) the ox: the man, groping into corners, was seeking the ox at night.

505-He was rubbing his hand on the limbs of the lion, back and side, now above, now below.

The lion said, “If the light were to become greater, his gall-bladder would burst and his heart would turn to blood.

He is stroking me like this so boldly because in this (dark) night he thinks I am the ox.”

God is saying, “O blind dupe, did not Túr (Sinai) fall in pieces at My Name?

For if We had sent down (revealed) a Book to the mountain, it would have been riven asunder, then cut to pieces, and then it would have departed (disappeared).

510-If Mount Uhud had been acquainted with Me, blood would have gushed in jets from the mountain.”

You have heard this from your father and mother; in consequence you have embraced it thoughtlessly.

If you become acquainted with Him without blind imitation, by (His) grace you will become immaterial, like a voice from Heaven.

Hear this (following) story as a deterrent, in order that you may know the banefulness of blind imitation.


خاریدن روستایی در تاریکی شیر را بظن آنک گاو اوست

روستایی گاو در آخر ببست
شیر گاوش خورد و بر جایش نشست

روستایی شد در آخر سوی گاو
گاو را می‌جست شب آن کنج‌کاو

دست می‌مالید بر اعضای شیر
پشت و پهلو گاه بالا گاه زیر

گفت شیر از روشنی افزون شدی
زهره‌اش بدریدی و دل خون شدی

این چنین گستاخ زان می‌خاردم
کو درین شب گاو می‌پنداردم

حق همی‌گوید که ای مغرور کور
نه ز نامم پاره پاره گشت طور

که لو انزلنا کتابا للجبل
لانصدع ثم انقطع ثم ارتحل

از من ار کوه احد واقف بدی
پاره گشتی و دلش پر خون شدی

از پدر وز مادر این بشنیده‌ای
لاجرم غافل درین پیچیده‌ای

گر تو بی‌تقلید ازین واقف شوی
بی نشان از لطف چون هاتف شوی

بشنو این قصه پی تهدید را
تا بدانی آفت تقلید را

Poet: Maulana Rumi
Translation: Reynold A. Nicholson
Edited by: @tamim


Wonderful post

Although the idea of a man petting lion, thinking it is his donkey, is rather humorous the application of the story seems much more serious. One finds a familiarity with God by approaching him with eyes open and seeing him for themselves and not merely accepting the descriptions of others.

Tu ne passes plus sur Discord en fait? :(