All the Antifa types
Are you really trying to claim that communists didn't kill dozens of millions of people in the last century?
Rule by force is the disease, who and how are symptoms.™
"real communism hasn't been tried yet."
Here is a list of instances communism was tried that you may not be aware of having occurred, you will notice that most were bombed into submission by crapitalust bombs, from the air.
Communism was a system created by the bankers for the ultimate control and enslavement of society
Yes, here is where they co-opted the international workingman's movement:
IF you don't know about the IWW, then catch up with the class, eh?
Marx was a tool of the banksters to insure that Bakunin's concepts didn't make it to the broader population.
Ask yourself why marx is all over the media, but nobody talks about Bakunin.
Why are 1984 and BNW pushed to middle skool kids, but The Iron Heel and Looking Backwards aren't mentioned?
I won't even get started on this one from before the 'science' crowd centralized effectively.
'you vill own nothing and be happy.'
Good luck with that.
Maybe you wat something different but most communists want big government and are willing to use force and violence to get what they think they want. Marxist collectivist brainwashing is all in the tv programming and government indoctrination camps for a reason.
Yes, I agree with this.
I also suggest the doorway out is hidden from those that would look, while most don't even bother to look.
Further reading: