Hi, folks!
home sweet home!
arrived after 20+ hours bus trip & still hearing everybody talking in Greek :D
need to rest...haven't had any sleep...
peace! ;)
ps. The story I tell with the pictures is a true one in my mind....
Here are today's generative art results,
using the title of this Kʼin [day] for a prompt
have a nice day! ;)
maya.net.pl ~ daily dreamspell
13moon.com LawOfTime.org
My NFTs on HIVE | Redbubble shop | Artmajeur.com/trayan |
My LBRY/ Odysee | Publish0x/@trayan | NeuralFrames AI video |
FREE BITCOIN | GlobalHive FREE Zcash | Pixels shop |
Now all the snow is gone and the day before yesterday there was a blizzard!👌
crazy times...
& weather background...