
the only thing i would do different is use a infused avocado oil =`)

I'm open to that. Where would I find it? Is it a particular brand?

i was thinking cannabis-infused. i'm a medical marijuana patient.

I figured as much. I checked out your blog. I like what I see so far. I'd like to write a post on the topic on my blog down the road, but you seem to specialize in it. When I get to it, maybe you would like to contribute to it? Let me know :)

I'd be glad to.

Cool, I don't know if you do Discord, but if you do, my username is: lousapphire

I’m definitely gonna try this out and also share it with my friends 👍 thanks for sharing the recipe😃


Delicious mayonnaise! 😋😍
I will definitely try to cook this delicious recipe!
( I would be happy if you could take a look at your my latest post:)

A delicious great recipe you made. I can imagine how delicious it must be!

You're a sweetheart @mocosh :)


Yum. Thanks. I’m a huge mayo fan. Well, any sauce actually. Look forward to trying it. This is my first day here and I’m so happy to see so much quality content (ignoring the spammers)

Perfect timing. I changed my diet this week and a paleo mayo is just the right addition to my new lifestyle. It´s always a great feeling to prepare your own food rather than eating the processed trash from the supermarkets.

Anything Avocado, this would be so good on burgers or anything! Is it dinner time 😋

Thank you brother! :)

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