
Good question, mate. This is a cautionary tale...

Long story short, I got on steemit, was posting etc... it was going good - my rep was up to 35 or something like that... Happy days.

I was commenting like usual (how you'd do on youtube, facebook or whatever. Some girl who's got a massive following did some stupid post with slutty pictures, so I replied saying something like "haha, what a slapper - what's next? a striptease?"

She voted me down. I then replied saying that she shouldn't do that just because she didn't like what I was saying - steemit has written about this already and is against censoring freedom of speech, yada yada...

Some dude who obviously loves this chick with huge power ripped me a new one by downvoting me twice and so my reputation went from 35 to 10. I'm still recovering from that, haha. Brutal

I like the concept of steemit. But in practice, I think the incentives create a weird environment. Hopefully that will change as it grows. If it doesn't, I can't see it growing bigger than a relatively small group of desperate people trying to make money online from second rate content.

Just look at the comments on here vs the "real world" of youtube / facebook, as one example.