
It's not his picture, he just copied and pasted it from either here - or somewhere else. He is only posting a lot of pictures of other peoples work to get people to think he took them and get them to upvote his post so he can earn a little bit of steem. Basically by not indicating who he "borrowed the pictures from he is stealing their work. To upvote people like this is to turn a blind eye to the theft of someone else's work. One day he may steal from you, then how would you feel about that, would you upvote a page that had your property on and no recognition of your hard work, just claiming it as his own and not yours. Please do not support image thiefs. He should put a link to each and every picture he post and clearly indicate it is not his work.


My wife initially pointed it out how she had seen a lot of the pictures he has been posting. So I right clicked on several of them and then picked "search google for image" search, it looks like he gets a lot of the pictures he post of of a wallpaper sites. *(sites that share photo's for computer or phone background pictures.