Annisa Zainuddin Ubit is a girl who lived in Bireuen-, was born August 05, 1994. In its environment I am more familiar with the call of Nissazu. This bloody Aceh girl was born from parents named Zainuddin Ubit and Nuraini Alm,I have a brother named Zaizanur S. Kom. I settled in District Juli, Bireuen District. I am a graduate of English Education University of Almuslim in 2017.
The author is a figure that can not be separated from organizations and community institutions, the writer is an activist dakwah campus active lectures. The author is also one of the volunteers from NGOs Rumah Peduli. The author is also one of the editors team of the Aceh No Dating community, which is a community of young people engaged in dakwah refused courtship before marriage. The writer is an English debate alumnus who has won 1st and 3rd winner in Faculty level competition. Currently the author is also an English teacher in one of the best private schools in the city that is SDIT Muhammadiyah Bireuen.
This novel is the author's first work in book form. Previously the author had released a short film drama religious drama with the title "Love In Hijrah". Friends of the reader can watch it on youtube. I have also written a novel titled "Senandung Hijrah Aisa", and is currently in the process of writing a second book entitled "Putri Bees and Prince Beetles"
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