Protect your baby and child from Measles - But when did we become so afraid of the illness?

in #measles7 years ago (edited)



By vaccinating, we are messing up ours and our children’s immune systems made by our creator.

The latest mainstream media news (who are also part of the big pharmaceutical companies) are basically scaremongering by stating that there is a massive measles outbreak across Europe 🙄

Measles has a natural life cycle of 3-5 years.

A mother that has had natural wild measles as a child (as did I, as well as mumps and chicken pox) who then goes on to breastfeed will naturally pass on immunity to her baby who is less susceptible to catching measles at a vulnerable age.

If your still unsure, watch this video - which explains why you shouldn’t be scared of measles (or any other treatable disease for that matter)

According to The World Health Organisation (WHO);

“Severe measles is more likely among poorly nourished young children, especially those with insufficient vitamin A, or whose immune systems have been weakened by HIV/AIDS or other diseases. As high as 10% of measles cases result in death among populations with high levels of malnutrition and a lack of adequate health care. […] More than 95% of measles deaths occur in countries with low per capita incomes and weak health infrastructures. […] Overcrowding in residential camps greatly increases the risk of infection.”

But measles can cause blindness . . .
so can the MMR vaccine.

But measles can cause encephalitis . . .
so can the MMR vaccine

But measles can cause pneumonia . . .
so can the MMR vaccine.

But if I don’t get vaccinated, I could get measles . . If you do get vaccinated you could get measles, both from the vaccine, and when your temporary (if any) vaccine immunity disappears.

Nobody wants their child to get sick . . . ever . . . from a vaccine or a virus, but the truth of the matter is that natural exposure to these viruses are incredibly important for the development of our immune systems and for disease protection in years to come.
A measles rash as a child could yield protection against cancer as an adult (The Lancet, Bluming 1971, Pasquinucci 1971, Taqi 1981) and may provide protection against degenerative diseases of bone and cartilage, sebaceous skin diseases, immunoreactive diseases and certain tumours.

Read more facts and research here:


How to prepare should your child catch it:
~ courtesy of Zuhal 🙏

  • Vit A (fat soluble vitamin, try Rosita's Cod Liver oil)
  • Vit C (when ill high doses are recommended, pure non GMO AA/SA or liposomal C)
  • Rest
  • No bright lights
  • Humidifier if necessary
  • Plenty of fluids

And of course no harm in taking other immune boosters such as bone broths, garlic, raw honey etc and Homeopathy too.

Don't fall for the news scare tactics of "suspected life threatening killer measles lurking in the shadows waiting to pounce".
It's ok, according to studies, if caught it decreases the chances of cancer and provides life long immunity, win win 💪

We are only told to fear because there is a vaccine pushed for it.

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