My BOLD move to Colombia

in #medellin8 years ago (edited)

Questions I'm no longer afraid to answer...

 If you had to document your life, would you feel proud of how you've spent it? 

Would you document the time you sacrificed to nurture others dreams above your own?

Are you living your purpose?...

Visualization takes more than imagination. It's about overcoming fear and living your best.

 As I fly the into unfamiliar territory, Medellin, Colombia, I'm in the moment. Years ago, I was too afraid to break the chains or take a risk. I can still hear my family and friends, " Colombia?!, "  " Baby be safe "

I'd say safety is relative. For many that have lived in " ghettos " in the US, living in unfamiliar barrios, is about the people. The people navigate the culture and set the tone. If you want to be " safe " immerse yourself in the culture. I say this because I feel you can't truly navigate and know a place unless you engage in it. It's true, the drug cartel in cities like Medellin broke up about 15 years ago. Colombia seeks to rebuild it's image with tourism and publicity. You'll especially see this in the music and U.S. attractions, barrios like El Pablado. Restaurants, hotels and other businesses catering to a tourist crowd in El Pablado. It's eye opening. Does that mean Colombia isn't a risk? Of course not. Colombia is a country, like U.S. All countries, there are have  pros and cons.

I'm a gypsy-soul attracted to unpredictable moments and dancing in many exciting spaces. The fact about this world is, the more you think you know, the more life will show you, you don't. I find it intriguing. Colombia is definitely a new chapter. Where I end up next is in the cards.